Eamonn and I had a really lovely, gorgeous, lazy day today.
I think the Balrog was hitting on me... That's a little disturbing.
Spider invited Victor and I to meet his man. They're adorable.
Scri's back. Why is it that so few people have good homecomings when they go home from the Nexus? At least he's feeling better now.
Sean's having boy trouble.
I met a Muppet! Mahna Mahna. He sang for me.
I talked to that guy again. He seems really confused.
Clara's going to be getting help with her dreams, which is good, but I'm having irrational panic about it being from someone I don't know. Damn hormones.
I wonder where Sheo's been?
Six years from today.
And there was much love. Also, I'd appreciate feedback on the new profile layout. Do you like it, hate it, wish there were something else there?))