
Jul 06, 2006 13:18

I'm the first to admit I've got a thing for guys in hats. But is dressing Casey up going a little too far?

...I'm playing dress-up with my dog. Good goddess, I must be more bored than I thought.

Meme time! I haven't done this one in a while.

Instructions: List seven songs you are into right now. No matter what the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good, but they must be songs you're really enjoying now. Post these instructions in your Livejournal along with your seven songs. Then tag seven other people to see what they're listening to.

1. "Jettison", Neko Case
I didn't let go 'cause you hurt me
I didn't let go so you'd stay
I did let you go 'cause I love you so much
And it kills me to see us this way

2. "Maith Dhom", Kíla
Maith dhom murab fhál leat fiú
Do scáth dhil im’aice
Ach bhí an spéir ar ghann chuid néal
' S an muir is an tír faoi chalm.
(Forgive me if you didn’t even want
Your lovely shadow beside me
But the sky was short of stars
And the sea all quiet and calm)

3. "La Soñadora", Enya
Yo; el otoño
Yo; el vespero
He sido un eco

Seré una ola
Seré la luna
He sido todo, soy yo

Yo; el verano
Yo; el ébano
Soy la soñadora
(I; the autumn
I; the evening star
I have been an echo

I shall be a wave
I shall be the moon
I have been everything, I am myself

I; the summer
I; the ebony
I am the dreamer)

4. "Goodnight and Go", Imogen Heap
Why'd you have to be so cute
It's impossible to ignore you
Must you make me laugh so much
It's bad enough we get along so well
Say goodnight and go

5. "I Could Sleep" (The Wuss Song), Letters to Cleo
It's okay that you forget
it's alright that you don't wanna remember
in your hands you've got a martyr's head
in your mind, I know that's what you wish you were

Turn my blue sky black, you're such a hard luck baby, yeah
that's what's the matter with you
I could sleep through this

6. "L'Hymne à L'Amour", Edith Piaf
Oui, si tu me le demandais
J'irais décrocher la lune
J'irais voler la fortune
Si tu me le demandais
(Yes, if you me asked it
I would take down the moon
I would steal fortune
If you asked it to me)

7. "Sorry Again", Girl Velocity
It will never happen again
is a promise I just can't keep
all alone on the porch
drifting off to sleep
I change this much this year
but I did it for you my dear
let me stick around
I'll never let you down

Well I guess that I was wrong
well I guess that I was wrong
I was mistaken all along
and its hard to admit its the end
now its hard to admit its the end
so I'll say I'm sorry again
and again and again and again

Tag: Mortimer, Ian, Eric, Alexa, Bel, Victor, Clark

The lemonade stand.

((Speaking of dress-up...look what Kurt-mun drew for me! Isn't it grand? I now have three pieces of Ali fan art.))

casey, ooc, art, what goes around...

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