Jan 30, 2005 20:42
So yeah.. What did I get to do the weekend after my 21st birthday? Nothing but lounge around alllll weekend.. And now it's Sunday and I'm confronted with a huge pile of home work that was negleted while I was sick. A whole four days of school crap to do and I'm not even half way done. Luckily I consider 8:45pm to be early. I've been such a myspace.com ho. I found so many ppl.. Especially from NJ. I just got an invite from Sheena who I haven't talked to in over five years. She was all excited she found me, and was hoping that I remembered her. I replied back saying "how could I forget you, I was a part of the five-girl team collision course that went flying down your stair case and put a hole in your parent's house!" Hilarious shit.. I miss NJ so bad. I pretty much have a plan: I'm going to apply for an internship(which I'm currently in the process of) related to advertising, or maybe some PR work either in Morris or in Fargo. I'd have a pretty much set place in Fargo through one of my profs, but I'm going to try to see if there is anything offered at the U. That way I'd save money, and focus a little harder on studying for the GRE's.. I think my mom and I have definitely become closer this past year. I've realized through all the bullshit of the midwest I really do need her. I'm just looking forward to taking this little break after graduation then getting the fuck out of here. There is nothing to hold on to except for Tyler and a couple of other people. And Tyler knows my plans and keeps saying he'd get along perfectly with people out there, I know he would. So anyway I should probably get back to getting my shit done.
And Anna if you're reading this, you could have just said that you were going to the 'cities instead of telling me you had to work.
Peace out everyone.
P.S.- If you have not seen Garden State: RENT IT NOW!! So good!