May 10, 2005 15:05
I'm wondering how easy it would be to keep this as a space for more personal reflection... I mean EJ is great, but there's an audience there that I sometimes cater to (and I'm not complaining about that at all - I thrive in it most times). It might be nice to just have a spot where I'm not going to worry about spelling or how "intelligent" (and I use that term loosely) I sound. A place to vent my frustrations and neuroses that I don't typically share with the rest of the world.
Perhaps this could be the "journal" I set out to make instead of my place for worldly observations. I mean the three people that would drop by here (and I'm not even sure how often) most likely wouldn't care about how droll and insignificant these musings would be. Maybe this truly could show the other side of Vicious?
I've already started with some poetry, but I've been itching to scratch my fictional story writing ability (again, a term used quite loosely).
Something to think about, anyway...
if you read this, do leave me a message - I'd be curious to see how many people drop by here. If you need a topic, just tell me something about the last time you farted in public.