May 19, 2005 22:03
i think that it was about as much as we could have hoped for. jar jar had no dialogue. lucas overdid some bits, but fixed other things which had been problems with the other prequels. led very nicely into the real star wars movies. i only caught one continuity error. i did not come out wanting to throttle someone as i did after clones, although i'm not sure how much of that was due to my lowered expectations.
lucas really, really overdoes his worldbuilding, in all of the movies. they always go to extremes; desert, frozen wasteland, uber-urbanized, overflowing with lava, etc. it would be nice if he could show us some worlds with internal climatic variation.
will probably post a more detailed critique later, once have digested it and maybe seen it again.
hancock is this weekend. this makes me happy.