So, F/K/V list got too big and isn't exactly searchable. I'm thinking about dividing it in some way into a couple of parts. The question is, on what principle? My ideas so far
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Thanks! I'm still thinking about it, though currently #1 wins in my head. :) I *love* the Chicago/Canada thing but it's like 90% Chicago and 10% Canada out there, so those 2 parts are gonna be very disproportionate...
Hmmm, I vote for length and THEN by relationship status. But you're right, there's something more appealing about distinguishing between est vs. first-time threesome stories than boring old 'length' requirements. Also, how awesome is it that this list has gotten so huge it has to be split in two? PRETTY AWESOME!
YAY! SO AWESOME! :) More than 130 fics currently. \o/
I'm pretty bad with remembering titles and authors (thank god my google-fu works OK most of the time), but I always remember if the story is FT or ER, angsty or fluffy, plot points, etc. That's pretty much the only reason I always mention if the story is FT or ER on all the lists, as well as all the rest of descriptions: so *I* could recall a story later when searching for something particular to reread.
So yeah, FT/ER division rules! Though I'm still thinking about it. :)
Yep, me too. That's why I always mention if the story is FT or ET on all the lists. Helps me to recall a story better when searching for something particular to reread, I'm very bad with remembering titles and authors. :)
Comments 7
I'm pretty bad with remembering titles and authors (thank god my google-fu works OK most of the time), but I always remember if the story is FT or ER, angsty or fluffy, plot points, etc. That's pretty much the only reason I always mention if the story is FT or ER on all the lists, as well as all the rest of descriptions: so *I* could recall a story later when searching for something particular to reread.
So yeah, FT/ER division rules! Though I'm still thinking about it. :)
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