Sep 13, 2005 01:47
Okay, here's another rant. I posted it on myspace too, but I figured everyone should read this, cause I'm sick of seeing people trampling all over what they appear to believe . . .
Are you wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt? Do you have a CCCP shirt? How bout stickers? Any Emeliano Zapata paraphernilia? Sub-Commondante Marcos? Yeah? Well, where did you get it? Anchor Blue? Hot Topic (yeah, I know I work there, I've always told you I'm a hypocrite, it's a fun job)
Basically, if you have any of that jazz, you're delivering a slap in the face to the communist hero on your shirt. Che would turn over in his grave (or at least his remains would rattle that grand monument of his) if he saw his face plastered all over that shirt that you bought from a CORPORATION. You're supporting the very thing that the visage on your shirt stood against! If it hasn't been produced by your own hands, or by a fair-trade union, then your acting about as rationally as a passivist who's decided to assassinate George W.!
If you really believe in communism, or socialism, or whatever other related system, DON'T COMPROMISE YOUR BELIEFS! I may admire certain aspects of Che Guevara, but I'll never buy a shirt with his face on it. Let your life proclaim your beliefs, not just your shirt, especially when the shirt may also proclaim your stunted awareness.
I suppose if you were a capitalist, then wearing a Che shirt would be a nice ironic spectacle of "flag burning". But I doubt that's what most of you intend . . .
Think about the implications of your actions.