100 things: Architecture

Apr 16, 2012 21:22

So the 100 things meme. I'm at a place right now where I'm not really sure what I'm going to do with the rest of my life so these 100 things are going to be sort of a wish list/bucket list of things I kind of think would be awesome to in the next (hopefully) 50 or so years. Or possibly in another lifetime.

I love architecture. It's basically my favorite art form BECAUSE WE LIVE IN IT. Okay so most buildings probably don't count as art but that's not the point. Thoughtful architecture is hard which is why I probably won't ever actually be an architect. In order to make a meaningful building, not only does it have to be beautiful but  it also has to be completely functional, bonus points if it has some sort of social commentary. I really, really especially like libraries because they say a lot about a culture's attitude about education and knowledge and who can have access to it. I'm on sort of a modern kick right now so let's look at some pretty buildings!!

The Sendai Mediatheque (library), basically awesome. Internal structural support in those twisted column-y things. Awesome.

The Phillips Exeter Library by Louis Kahn. Not really my aesthetic but it was designed with the idea that students would retrieve books from the center of the building and bring them to the windows, to the light, to read them which just moves me.

The Oslo Opera House by Tarald Lundevall. IT LOOKS LIKE A GLACIER. IN NORWAY. THAT IS SO COOL OKAY. Plus look how functional it is, there are people all over the place, unlike a lot of snooty-ass opera houses that only super rich or cultured people have access to. Urban renewal here we go.

And my favorite building at the moment, the Farnsworth House by Mies van der Rohe. So beautiful and simple and elegant and I love it so much.

And another favorite, inspired by the Farnsworth house, Philip Johnson's Glass House.

Sorry to anybody who is actually an architect and actually know real facts about architecture. I just like it. I spend way too much time looking at pictures of buildings, the way other people look at pictures of attractive people. I can't really explain it.

100 things, architecture

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