(no subject)

Apr 08, 2013 20:48

Writing a thing! Currently on chapter two of maybe four or five.

title: it's electric
rating: G so far, eventually something else
word count: 2709
pairing: Derek/Stiles
warnings: none
beta: none whatsoever. everything is my fault
disclaimer: none of this belongs to me
"I told you, you have a spark. What did you think I meant?" Deaton was filling out paperwork, unperturbed. Like he handled this shit every day, which-well, he probably did.

"Yeah, but, I didn't know you meant literally, like, sparks that light things on fire. It was more of a, a metaphorical spark, you know? Like 'creative genius' kind of spark." Scott laughed at the word genius because he was a terrible friend.

on ao3

sterek, fic, teen wolf

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