and the weekend smote me down

Nov 19, 2012 19:16

So something fairly horrible happened this weekend, not traumatizing but I hurt all over and can't really walk at all.

I was at the beach with some friends and we decided to rent some horses and go for a ride. Now, I consider myself a fairly experienced rider. I used to ride competitively and I know what I'm doing. So the guy gives me a horse named Gusano (worm in Spanish, no idea where that came from). Long story short: the horse was fucking insane. Like totally crazypants. Starts full out galloping less than five minutes after I get on and I barely managed to get him to stop. Almost immediately after that he starts wiggling and bucking and being super obnoxious about trying to get me off. AND STARTS GALLOPING AGAIN. INTO A FOREST. With lots of trees and low branches. I thought I was going to die. I have a massive bruise on on my leg where he ran me into a dead tree (the tree exploded, not sure who won that one). I decided to jump off rather than get decapitated or die in some other gruesome way. Managed to land in a pile of sand without breaking any bones or concussing myself as far as I can tell.

So yeah, super happy to be alive and intact but totally unable to walk. After the adrenaline rush went away all my muscles went on strike because apparently riding a galloping horse that hates you WITHOUT STIRRUPS is kind of hard. And I'm finding new bruises all the time. My legs have never been purple-er. I'm still sort of processing this and I can't stop thinking about all the ways it could have gone horribly wrong so thanks for putting up with my rambling.

please listen to me whine

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