Okay, I kind of have to give it to poor old Pansy-chan here.
Her exploding on me, as totally and epically not fun as it may have been, really did kind of do me a metric fucktonne of good. ♥
Beyond all the nightly and wonderfully long phonefests with my girlfriend (not something I could evarrrr complain about omg ♥) and the fact it finally made
kiwikittyboy and I stop acting like we're goddamn allergic to the phone PERIOD, having to switch over onto Ole Kakipi here and my old AIM s/n has been getting me back in touch with so many people. ♥
Including, now, an old best friend~! (Sarah, for those of you who may remember. ♥)
And ffffffffff excitedexcitedexcitedholyfuckin'shit. *A*;;;;;;;
I'd missed this girl so much. ♥