Jun 21, 2004 20:26
UgH ToNitE sUCkEd MaJoR aSs.....My DaD wouLDnT leT Us Go Out To THE moVieS So wE haD to StAy HoMe anD iT waS kiNDa BoRinG...bUt i aTE alOT...i HaD 4 PeCiES oF pIzZa!
BuT omGsH i DisCoVeRd The BEsT MovIe evEr! .. THe GuRu!...i Kno iT soUNds WEiRd anD uVe ProLly nEvEr hEaRd oF iT buT itS soOo GooD!!! The SonG in TheRe iS thE abSoLuTe BeSt! aND i WouLD tyPe a LyRiC oR tOO fRom IT buT i CanT ... iTs lIke in AnoTheR lanGuaGe lOl buT i stiLl lOve IT...ITs lIke aDdiCtiNG! iTs sO GoOD!
WeLl iT SuCks..i HavE to LeavE to TeXaS in Like 3 DaYz..i Go ON thuRsdAY...i DonT wanNA leaVE...ITs So eaRly anD im GonNa b Gone foR so LoNG...cuz thEn aFtEr That i Go sTRaIT to CalIFoRniA aGain anD i DonT Come hOMe TiL lIKE aUgUsT!
BuT i DonT FeeL GoOD thiS suMmeR isNT liKE VeRy GooD...iT coUld b AlOT betTEr....anD liKE i Dk.... I thiNk iM ReaLLy ConFuSeD aBouT SoMEtHInG.......
So i ThiNK ilL leaVe liKE thaT......
x0x0 <3 alWaYZ
* KaYla