Dec 04, 2006 19:18
So im drinking cider with whole cloves in it...and they keep going into my mouth.
I'm really excited about the holidays, and thinking about it, theyre going to fly by.
Exams next week, wisdom teeth out, starting my period... that brings me to about christmas. Im remembering what i was doing this time last year, so i shall consult entries of the past...
Ok so. i havent updated this in a while.
nothings really new.
waiting for christmas to come.
slowly finding my spot in FL.
im going up north for christmas. i might not be able to see peoples though. im getting there the night of the 24th, and the 25th i have to go to my gma's place to see family that lives in texas. then that night im going to stay at ryan's g-ma's and the next morning we're leaving for williamsburg. i dont know when were coming back, but im going back to FL on the 2nd. if we get to MD like the day before newyears eve or something early, i'll definately hunt all of you down and say hi.
i really want an effing crazy dirty dirty outfit from victorias something thatll make the cashier uncomfortable. i want one like bad. hope everyones doing well
Well we can all see that one thing hasn't changed
But a bunch of things have changed:
Ryan William<3333
Got into a university
Home= Florida ..Maryland Where the people you love the most are
Got a job
i dont know, a lot of things like that have changed
I think i have found my little spot in this state, and i'm happy, and i don't mind taking my very first steps toward adulthood here.
It's beautiful every day(although i miss the snow and cold like crazy)
I've made friends that i know i'll probably truck through a lot of the following years with
And ive met someone who has made me better than i was in january.
Someone i love, not because it's easy to love someone who loves you, or because he's cute, but because he's him.
but none of that changes the fact that when im bored and alone i get depressed as fuck
i need a hobby lol