Recent readings & things

Jun 19, 2017 14:39

After a long hiatus, I'm back to posting about the books and other media I've read or seen.
I've been playing a lot of Fallout 4 with mods via Nexusmods. When I'm not playing that, I'll play Stardew Valley, which is a mix of a RPG and farm simulator. While I've finished the quests, it's interesting to grow stuff and search for things. There are monsters to kill in it, too.

I now have an instagram and a tumblr account due to people using one of my email addresses to sign up for those sites. I just take them over and make them mine.

The Sword of Shannara
The Elfstones of Shannara
The Wishsong of Shannara
by Terry Brooks
I read these three a long time ago. They are Terry Brooks's first books in the Shannara chronicles. And though the Sword is first, I had read Elfstones first when I first discovered his books. I liked it better back then and I do again now.  I found The Sword of Shannara to be very cumbersome in its story. While it was interesting, it was almost painful to read - though his writing and pace improved as the novel continued. The Elfstones of Shannara was my favorite of the three. I did find it enjoyable to reread. I've started The Wishsong of Shannara and should have it done some time this week.

House of Cards
Netflix series
My dad has been pushing me to watch this series (and the British original) but I hadn't sat down and watched any of it until this past weekend. I watched two of the most recent episodes with him and I could see why he enjoyed it, though was also disturbed by how similar it is to real politics. I think that is why I was hesitant to watch it - politics at best are a circus and stories about it don't usually appeal to me.

The Penguin historical atlas of the medieval world
by Andrew Jotischky & Caroline Hull
A rather short book - 144 pages - but full of information. Not only does it have maps of the times, but a lot of detailed writing about what is going on. There are parts about different periods of the medieval world, how Christianity spread, how Islam spread, the invasions of the different groups of Vikings, how Charlemange's empire was situated & how it split apart, the rule of the Papacy, amonth other things.

computer games, history, christianity, fantasy, science fiction, religion, books

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