(no subject)

Aug 07, 2008 23:12

Is the last person you kissed mad at you?
Nope. She's sleeping soundly.

How do you feel about the person who text you last?
I love her to death.

Do you regret something you did yesterday?

What's the last thing you ate?
Shrimp fried rice

Favorite quote from the song you're listening to?
The music they were playing really blew my mind... it was love at first sight...

How many windows are open on your computer?
2: AutoCAD 2009 and Firefox

Is something bothering you right now?
not besides my back, eyes, shoulders, knees, leg... um I think that's it.

Are you shy?
I run hot and cold. Right now I'm cold and bored (shy).

What are you doing tomorrow?
working on a project for class, waiting impatiently for Stewart to get here.... waiting for everyone else to go to sleep... then... um... stuff ;-)

What day has been your favorite so far?

In the past week have you felt sad?

Has someone disappointed you recently?
yes -- a couple... one walks like an old man right now, so I hear. :-p

Do you have plans for this weekend?
I need to make some, since Stewart's going to be here. Hey, Chris with numbers!!!!!!!

Do you feel comfortable with answering personal questions?

Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
I'm married, what do you think? :-)

Last thing you said aloud?
Goodnight, I love you, bye.

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Do you have unlimited texting?

Do you miss anyone?

How old is the first person on your top friends?
my what?

How old is the last person you kissed?

Where was your myspace default picture taken at?

Who woke you up this morning?

What is your current mood?

What color shirt are you wearing?

What are you listening to?
"Come Into My Dream" - Foggy

How long is your hair?
halfway down my back/to the bottom of my bra band.

Are you happy right now?

What were you doing at 11:00 last night?
trying to get to sleep.

What have you done today
Fed, clothed, played with Annalise, Put Annalise in timeout numerous times for climbing on EVERYTHING, changed diapers, freaked out about Annalise's tummy ache, worked on projects for class, talked to Stew on the phone, laundry, dishes, cleaned the coffee maker, showered, helped the guy fix dad's car, made Dr. appt to have thyroid levels checked, picked up toys, submitted project for class, did my class participation, talked to my brother, watched a Caterpillar turn to Chrysalis form on the porch (fascinating!)

Have you smiled recently?

Last thing you bought?
some grocery items like a week ago

Have you ever shared a drink with anyone?

How much money do you have on you?
some change.

Where did your last hug take place?
in Annalise's bedroom.

Do you have a reason to smile right now?
I would be smiling, if there were an immediate reason. Annalise is asleep.

Are you afraid of shots?
Not anymore.

How long does it take for you to take a shower?
about 15-20 minutes, if I shave and do a partial pedi.

Do you care what others think about you?
To some degree.

Do think you'll be married in 10 years?

Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you?

Do you have a crush on someone?

Are you in a relationship?

What's your favorite card game?
Gin or Rummy or Set

Who was the last person you called?
My hubby

Are you open about your feelings or closed off?
open -- with certain people.

Think of the person you told "I love you" last, did you mean it?
of course!

Who would you say you're best friends with right now?

Ever cried because of happiness?

How many months until your birthday?
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