Got a new job. Fell in love. I'll refrain from throwing my life story at you.
I dunno if I'm actually “back.” I'm hopping back on to tie up some loose ends at the very least, and then we'll see where I'm at.
I'm also getting back on to make a bold prediction about Supernatural. I've been craving to chat about it with people, but nobody I know watches the show. So here I am, back on LJ, where I'm most likely just throwing this out into the ether 'cuz I don't even know who is still here anymore. Yep, that's pretty sad.
After not watching Supernatural for a few years (I stopped sometime mid-S7; around the same time I left LJ), I spent the last couple of months getting caught back up with the show. I'm now officially current, and after practically mainlining S8-S11, I've just gotta say it:
Dean/Castiel is going to be canon.
There is no way they're NOT making it canon. The story they are telling does not make any sense if they're not going to take the plunge.
Yes, I've seen the queerbaiting accusations, the so-called “no homo” moments, and the frustration of the last few years. I'm aware of all that. Maybe I have a different perspective because I just took in the end of S7 through last week's episode in very quickly. I saw this all unfolding in a very short period of time rather than over a course of a few years, so all I saw was this story taking shape.
And yes, I will admit that I was still watching with ship goggles, but before it had just been shipping. I wasn't expecting anything. Now I am. It's an odd feeling.
(Even odder feeling because I'm pretty sure I made the very first Dean/Castiel community ever, and now WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING WITH MY SHIP OMGGGGGG)
But even when I rip the goggles off, the way Dean and Castiel were being written in relation to each other significantly changed. It wasn't the wink-wink-nudge “haha, GAY” jokes any longer. It was intimate. It was romantic. It was slipping from fairly insignificant subtext to just on the brink of being text. They have been getting written with practically every single romantic trope in the book.
But the general audience isn't seeing those tropes as romantic because the expectation is that everyone is straight unless otherwise stated. But that's not how the world works, which makes what they're doing with Dean & Cas even more incredible.
The writers would also be stupid NOT to take the couple of final steps - do they want to be remembered only as this quirky cult show that had loads of gender/race/etc issues, or do they want to break a couple of barriers and be remembered for something positive?
What's more: I think it's going to happen this season. I also think that, if they're smart, we're going to get a few episodes of build-up to the “big moment” so that even the general audience can't deny it.
I'm not gonna say much more about this, because I know there are others out there writing meta and analyzing the shit out of the show the way I used to. I don't think I can say anything that hasn't already been said.
Just wanted to get this out before it actually happens, so I can look back and say “I FUCKING KNEW IT.”