Ganked from
nursethalia, and I totally just typed that as "neurothalia" and I have no idea why but I thought it was amusing enough to share.
The first 10 people to comment in this post get to request that I write a drabble scribble a really fast and lame sketch write something that may or may not resemble a drabble OR sketch something of stick figure proportions of any pairing/character of their choosing. In return, they have to post this in their journal, regardless of their ability level.
(I dun care if you do that last part or not, but you also don't get to pick if what I do is written or scribbled. :P)
thisfishflies - Dean/Cas, dinosaurs wearing hats that may or may not be made out of paper.
karabou - Cas driving the Impala while Dean goes D:
alaerys - Popping Sam's cherry Um. Yes.
c00kie - Dean/Cas - Dark!Dean, but Cas loves him anyway.
love_jackianto - Sexy times with wings, or an AU
Disclaimer: I often suck at finishing prompts, but I have lots of free time right now so I promise I will try really hard. :D
In other news, surgery incision is infected (apparently very common with this surgery).
I'm on antibiotics for it and I really fucking hate antibiotics.