Feb 16, 2006 21:53
I have too many problems with drama anymore. This will be my last entry. So, I will everyone how I feel, cause I quit this gay thing after I'm done.
I like to hang with people, and I am simply not the same person here as I am in person. Whether you believe this or not is your choice. I will definitely hang out with people if they want, but I can't take this drama anymore. People get too stressed out over this shit. And in all honesty, I have my friends that I care about, and I have acquaintances. This is driving me to insanity.
I'm writing an anthology of poems now. If you wanna read 'em, lemme know. I'm not destroying my LJ, but I probably will never write in this thing again. People give me too much shit. I know exactly why this is, and I just don't like it. And I'm getting rid of this thing because while I enjoy writing my thoughts, I can't stand people acting like assholes for one of my opinions or about something I hear. I rarely say something insulting, if you actually read what I type or listen to what I say.
I'm actually a nice guy. But this drama is too fucking much. It's fun, but for the love of Zeus, people, pull that stick out of your ass. I know I need to. Anyway, I know you all hate me now, but I will be a changed person after I quit this thing.
Anyone who would currently like to flame me, fuck you. And if you wanna hang, don't post it on here. Call my phone. 586-530-0176.
If you have something to say to me, say it to my face. I realized that I need to do that just today, but better late than never. And I'll still have AIM and MySpace, so find me there. But one last thing before I go: It's smart to not get involved into drama and gossip. It's taken a toll on me, and will take a toll on you too. Just quit it now. Take up alcohol or something. You will find me where I always am. In my classes during school and with Joe and the gang at lunch. And Hannah is similar to Elliott because she has provided me with a reason to live. Just to see her beautiful smile one more day. But with Elliott, it was in middle school and I wanted to hang with him. With Hannah, just seeing her makes me happy. So, please, do all of yourselves a favor and quit this thing. You see how I get on this. I realized what this shit does. It might've affected me, but I will move on with life. If you still wanna be my friend, add me on MySpace, or call me. I am out of this shit forever now. Paece for good, motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more peace, no more love. I'm a fuckin' hawk.