Dec 02, 2005 18:20
Went to the gym. I did. It closes at 8pm on Fridays and Saturdays. No one told me until 8pm this evening. (Friday) The person who told me was the person closing the gym. I was cycling. On the upright bike. I managed to get in 25 minutes. I looked at my arms in the mirror a few minutes ago and felt weak. I want to look at them and feel strong. I wanted to get off the bike and do handstands with those people, but I did not feel confident enough. Nor did I feel confident enough to speak coherently to the pretty girl.
I should do arm stuff in the morning and .. hm. really? Maybe I should cycle in the morning and arm stuff at night, so as not to burn up the proteins that could be headed for my biceps.
not sure where to put this, but as I don't want to forget..
had a sexual dream, first in forever. and a dream about some random girl from biology class. As to not forget her name I shall type it. Here in my livejournal. Which may be immortalized, so that some day a random stranger may read about all the crazy crap people did in the 'four digits' (0000-9999ad)
Heather Perrier.
I've considered trying to find a girl to distract me, but all I really want are for people to be nice, and when girls are nice it's like frosting on the cake. Being nice to them isn't enough sometimes, because people are shy. If I were shy, what would it take for me to respond to a nice person? Probably a hi. But then i'd get all self concious and wonder why she noticed me. I wonder if she liked me or if she was just being nice. Was she being nice out of pity or is she just a nice person?
Hopefully i'd be too busy to think about such things, but usually i'm not distracted enough by life to avoid the petty thoughts.
Life is lonely sometimes. I tried to keep it company, but ended up getting lonely myself. So then I started reading jokes, except it's taking me forever to find funny ones. I'm worried that either.. A) I have no sense of humor, or B) The rest of the world has no sense of humor
Neither case is particularly.. good.
I emailed Heather Perrier, as way of distraction. For the first day I checked endlessly to see if she had read my email yet. (Future me: it's a feature of First Class, did you forget? (I intend to re-read every bit of crap I wrote here when I'm 40, and if livejournal crashes before then, i'll sue.))
She hasn't responded yet, and I doubt she will. That's fine, it's probably because my arms look weak.
I suppose I could go to the gym in the morning and do both cycling AND arms. Honestly though, it's hard enough to breath in the morning, no need to intentionally kill myself.
Still then, when DO I work on my arms?
All the time? Does that work? Is now okay? Could I do a worthwhile set right now? Which part of my arms? Biceps? Triceps? Fore arms of course. Always. I am improving, I think. I should probably run instead of biking. In fact, since tonight is FRIDAY, YES< FUCKING FRIDAY< FUCK FUCK YES FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCKFUKCUFKCUFK yes!!!
I will go outside later, no matter how FUCKING tired I may be, and once again learn to run. Fuck.
I was swearing because I don't want to run.
I gained an inch and a half in a month on my arms. I need to gain another inch and a half in the next few weeks. I suppose it's possible... ... hm...........................
I suppose I could keep track of my progress.. every.. day..
I suppose I could check after a week of a certain type of exercise to see how much growth has occured, but we can't assume that the derivative of the growth function is linear.
We must assume that NOTHING will make my arms bigger. No, kidding.
I'm just having a conversation with my livejournal because there's no one else around, and I feel fat.
It's one of those motivational conversations that will leave you feeling refreshed and fulfilled and happy.
Any minute now, I'll be refreshed and fulfilled. Destiny will open it's maw. Gaping maw.
I have been listening to the same five songs for. A long time. Now.
Seek. Seeker. what book.. stone.. under stone.. over hill. green.. silver tree.. greenwhich.. what series.
It's not like Heather ever showed that much interest in me. Sure I might be cute, but she's looking for a specific something that I probably didn't give her. She was probably confused that she liked me at all, but I had a boyant energy. Then.
Now I have weak looking arms.
They won't be weak looking next year though. The more I go to the gym, the more comfortable i'll feel using the equipment. And then, BAM. Someday i'll get another gym partner. One without a broken back.
I wonder what a girl like her Is looking for? What exactly is it that they like? Hm.. Let us analyze.
No real clue.. she likes pictures..
my arms are sore from the exercise kyle gave me. Finally. I think I'll stop being cute and start being hot if I get a nicer body..
not that being hot is particularly important, but if it encourages a specfic sort of girl to talk to me and get to know me, then hoot.