I'll get around to translating this at another point, right now I'm too infuriated!
Okay there's one thing in this world that pisses me off to the point of no forgiveness.
Okay, that and murder, but it can be said that one leads to the other.
Keep your eyes open on the news, I guarentee something's going to happen in Vicenza within the next month. I can feel it in my veins and it terrifies me!!!
Because some stupid, idiotic journalists, trying to cash in on sensationalism and speculation wrote a 5 page article, complete with pictures of the base, the soldiers and basically said
"Look at the Americans!! They're buying this airfield so they can build a staging point for every future battle in the Middle East!!! Bush is setting up his own little country in this lovely Italian city"
And if that's not bad enough, they EVEN included "And Iran!" in the list of targets.
They even wrote a side article entitled "Worse than Rambo!!"
It's stupid shit like this that pisses off people who already hate us, and is going to get innocent people hurt or killed! Let me explain something very important "THAT'S NOT THE TRUTH!!"
We're not even going to use the flippin airstrip, we're not going to be doing jump exercises onto people's roofs and we're not bringing in the cavalry.
But because of irrational worries by some of the people in town, inflammatory accusations and just plain ignorant speculation, they've just painted a big red bull's eye over the whole town, just for anyone who needs an excuse to hit us.
Not to mention, because of this, the deal to buy the airfield (we're going to split it with the Italian military) is hanging by a thread. And if it falls through, we might close. Yay for the Italians right??
Let me give you some true facts. If we close....
More than 3000 houses/apartments suddenly are tenantless
More than 700 Italian workers are out of a job
Revenue to probably half the city is gone, 6/10 bars downtown WILL close (what do you expect a bunch of 19-21 year olds to go on a weekend night?)
Crazybull- Out of business
Nordest - Out of business
Tourism- all time low
All the pizzerias in the area as well as the chinese resturant will go out of busineses
The city of Nove will probably go bankrupt, and the Polish economy will get hit (cause military wives LOVE ceramic/pottery shopping, it's scary how much stuff they go buy on those trips).
And on a personal level, BOTH my parents and I will be out of a job!!!
STUPID M-F-ers!!!!!