Sep 05, 2006 09:44
You SUCK!!!!
Love and Kisses,
There, glad I got that off my chest. Geeeeeeez, what a weekend. Why is it that all your best laid plans NEVER happen the way you want? I thought I FINALLY solved my connection issue at home, and not only does my DSL get shut down, but my entire phone contract was cancelled.
So now I have to wait till mid-September for them to turn it back on again. Until that time all my projects are on hold...AGAIN!! You know, it's stuff like this that makes me REALLY miss Verizon!!!
However, this weekend. Woke up late on Saturday, got NOTHING done. Woke up late on Sunday, couldn't find my digital camera so I ran to the store to buy a disposable, and of course missed the train. Had to wait an hour to catch the next one. Get to Venice, take forever walking to the Rialto due to the enormous human traffic. Finally get a great spot to watch the Regata and 2 things happen. 1) All the flippin clouds dissapear, leaving me in direct sunlight and 2) the times for the Regata that I saw were incorrect, so in stead of waiting 2 hours in the beating sunlight, I had to wait 4 before the start of the race. I stayed long enough to watch the start, then hurried my happy butt to a dark and shady alley where I drowned myself in cold water. Too late! I spent the rest of the day sunsick and very dizzy and nauseasous. FUN!
Made my way to St. Mark's square, and did my obligatory feeding of the pidgeons (I've been doing it every trip since I was 6, and I'll do it till the day I die). Of course I'm the only grown woman in the middle of the square feeding pidgeons and not running screaming like a mad woman if one landed on my head. Ugh....I hate girly girls :P It's a bird, not a spider, not a rat, and not a snake. If you didn't want them using every available part of your body as a landing point, then you shoulddn't be feeding them. Hell, given that I'm a very blessed woman *grin*, I've even had them land on my chest! Which is rather awkward to suddenly have a face full of feathers, and then they look upset when I shoo them off.
Anyway, I had one that kept landing on my head and messing up my hair, and another that hung out on my shoulder the whole time. Never ate anything, just hung out.
Walked to the water bus stop and saw that the buses were closed until 730 because of the race. So I decide to walk back to the train station (40 minute walk even at a slow pace). Then I discover that the Rialto has been blocked off for the race. Apparently they didn't want people on the bridge while things were going on. So I trudged back to St. Mark's and hung out by the shady treed area for an hour and a half, then went back. Apparently, so had everyone else. An hour in line, and I finally got on a bus back to the trainstation (and of course, bus means water bus). 12 hours after leaving home, I get back sore and exhausted. Wake up early to do some laundry, and go to my friends to watch her house/pets/kids for the rest of the day/night till this morning.
I've had 2 coffees and I'm no where near conscious.