I should have posted this yesterday. Really, it would be quite poetic to start this project on the very International Day Against Homophobia, but luck did not allow it to be so...
Still, for months, this project has been brewing in my head, growing stronger and more important to me, and even if only today, now I'm ready to proudly present it to you, The Cherophobia Project!
So, what is this about?
Cherophobia means "fear of cheerfulness, of gayety", and this was the closest I found for "fear of happiness", a concept I thought fitted the title of this project.
Through this project, I hope to collect several veridic (real life) stories where any sort of homophobia (which is, on its own, a very particular and - unfortunately - strong part of this "fear of happiness", fear of understanding love on its whole) was responsible for any kind of shameful acts against homosexuals - by violence or hypocrite discrimination - where homophobia unnecessarily difficulted the life of people no different from any others.
And through this project, I ask YOU, the reader, to contribute with your own story (or stories), an episode you lived (and I plead you to share, for a "greater good", even if it upsets you - for that you can send it anonymously, for that I give my word that you are speaking to someone who understands), you witnessed, you heard/read on the news or that has happened to someone you know, because you will be the source of this collection, it's through you that this project will work and eventually reach its purposes.
Yes! As people (hopefully) send more and more contributions, the several examples of cherophobia as seen through its victims' (or even the homophobe's!) eyes should serve as a means of reflection upon their unpleasant consequences, perhaps they will make some people wonder if this is really necessary, maybe more people will be reminded of the basic humanity that connects us all, instead of the differences who shouldn't set us apart.
More important than that, this project will hopefully serve as call to attention, as a protest that no, these acts shouldn't be happening in a world that calls itself "civilized", as a motivation for people to take action and not to let themselves down. Be proud of who you are, there is nothing wrong with you.
It is a small project, but with everyone's contribution, it can become a meaningful one, and a generous help against discrimination.
So, I plead to you to contribute, even if you feel your story is insignificant - IT ISN'T! And if you don't, you can always spread the word about this project, so that more people will know of it and have a chance at joining themselves.
With this cleared...
How can you send your story?
This is a delicate matter for most people, and the ones who have suffered directly with homophobia might be upset about making their experiences publicly known and related to them. Because of this, I have decided to keep every story anonymous, unless someone wishes differently - and those will have their name associated with their contribution.
So, you can send your story is two different ways:
1) By e-mailing me at paulamoura3@sapo.pt . Put your story on the body of the e-mail or in an attachment, with something like "Cherophobia Submission" in the subject line, and I will get it. Expect responses, namingly, the story after I have transformed it into the "final product", since I want your approval before it's submitted.
2) By writing it as a comment to this LJ post. ALL COMMENTS THERE ARE SCREENED, so no one but me will read it, and you can post as anonymous, YOU DON'T NEED AN ACCOUNT TO COMMENT HERE. Just remember to check it regularly after you have posted it and leave a means of contacting you there, for the same reason as the above - to show you the final version.
After each story is completed, I will submit it to this new account on dA:
~anticherophobia, so REMEMBER TO WATCH IT IF YOU WANT TO KEEP UP WITH THIS PROJECT! This small article will be also posted to its journal.
Now, you can always show your support besides sending stories. Like I said, spreading the world is a million times thanked by me and homosexuality-related pictures, stamps, and even an avatar for the project's account are very welcome! Send me a note with a link, and they'll be linked to the project too.
My Anti-Cherophobia series of photo adaptations (with my gay OTP, of course) are an example of those:
a folder here
And I think I have said it all...
Any doubts, questions or suggestions shall be noted to me :)
Thank you muchly, muchly for reading this! I hope to see you participate!
Paula M.