Title: Sky
Rating: T
Other Pairings: None mentioned
Warnings: Sexual innuendos. Naruto being too literate.
Summary: Naruto rants about the current sky above him.
Word Count: 300
Link to dA:
kathlaidaprincess.deviantart.com/art/GaaNaru-Sky-152755325Link to FF.net:
www.fanfiction.net/s/5025149/15/ -----------------
They tell me to be optimistic. They tell me to see things like this: at least you and I are underneath the same sky.
And that makes me more reasured, actually. But...
I wish our sky were my bed-sheets. The clouds would be the pillows and the stars the sweet, delicate (yet passionate!) love we'd make. The moon would envy your skin and the sun couldn't shine more than me. Day or night, only our sweat would rain beneath our velvet sky, the atmosphere charged with energy and heat, with the intense scent of desire... Lightning would fall with every kiss, with every touch, and thunder would echoe with our whimpers of completion, in the storm of being finally together...
Maybe the next time I'll be able to create the world. And then, I'll be able to take full joy from what they tell me.