Urgh. So. Wednesday.
I have a sore throat and I'm definately getting a cold. Buh.
But anyways... So, the weekend was good. Saturday we went out to Percy and Linda's house for lunch after looking at rangehoods for my kitchen. Then we had to leave lunch early to come back into town for soundcheck which was supposed to be done at 2.00, but... Well, lets just say that waiting all afternoon for some smelly teenage boys is not my idea of a good time. But anyway, the gig went well. We were on first, before Sacrament and After The Wake, which was a bit laughable, but it went really well. Kaine survived his first gig. Ha. Oh, and afterwards I saw Ricki. Who is apparently back in Christchurch. And I like, talked to him. I'm so mature.
Aaaand... so. Did a bit of shopping on sunday, as my overdraft has finally gone through(!). Nah, Bandy gave me a cd voucher and I bought Goldfrapp's Supernature and Mudvayne's L.D. 50. And then on monday I bought B-Sides and Rarities at the Merivale cd shop of all places, because it was only $46. I have to say that I'm a little concerned that our band name may have come from one of the songs off L.D. 50. If that's actually the case boys, please don't tell anyone. Jeeeesus.
And also on monday I picked up my new glasses. I got the Prada frames in the end. Did I say that? Anyway, I did. They're very nice, but I'm a bit worried that they're slighty too tight for my big head. Ha. Liz was in town on monday as well, so she took me to The Country Road sale, and now I am all stocked up with knitwear. Very sophisticated knitwear. It's great cause I never buy expensive, sophisticated clothes for myself, only cheap and cheerful trash. But now I have sophisticated knitwear. I'm so lucky.
Yesterday I got up really super early and went to uni for a meeting with John, that I managed to lie my way through. But anyway, next monday he is going to help me infringe some copyright laws. Go John.
So, at the moment I have no car, because on friday night someone smashed the windscreen of Richard's and he borrowed mine, apparently only til monday, but it's only ready today. And aparently I have to go pick it up. Which might be difficult. But anyway, it means that I will be driving round in a big X5 for the rest of the week. Ha.
So, band camp tonight. I don't really want to, honestly, because I have a sore throat and we will be working on the new song, which is... not our best work. Even though it has kickass lyrics. God, it's so funny writing a blog when you know that people you actually know will be reading it. Well, it's got me in "trouble" before, hasn't it?
I'm in such a funny mood. It's stupid. I'm wasting my time updating the website. So you might as well go have a look at all the awesome new pictures at
www.resurgence.net.nz So what else is on? Well, tommorrow night some of geeks are coming round for some quiet drinks and tourettes camps on tv. Should be hilarious. And apparently Hayley has just finished her exams so we might try and get to Boogie Nights. God save us.
Apparently it's quite cold and it's just started raining. Ha, according to Dick and Liz it's snowing again in Ashburton. Sucks to be in Ashburton (more than usual)! Jokes.
Right, I'm off, surely I have better things to do. Surely. I feel like my brain is beginning to atrophy. Buh.