The Current Can Change on a Dime chapter 19

Dec 24, 2008 12:34

Sorry, didn't know anyone was still reading this so stopped writing and posting it. I do have chapter's 19 and 20 and might finish it up since there are only maybe 2 chapters left....thanks to the person who sent me the review wanting to read more, most appreciated.....Sue



Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters. Anthony Yerkovich created Miami Vice and Michael Mann was Executive producer, I thank them for that. This is just a fan fiction from my warped mind. I’d like to thanks my friends, Jage and Karen for a bit of beta reading.


The ER waiting room hadn’t changed much since a year ago, the last time she had been there. Thank God it was only due to a bullet grazing one of the young detectives.

The uncomfortable chairs where still in place with old magazines scattering the room. One thing that had changed was the walls were now painted a mauve color. And, thank God the coffee pot was a lot bigger, Trudy thought as she poured herself yet another cup. She’d updated the information that was on file since it had been more than four years since either detective had been admitted to Jackson Memorial. Of course she had to give that information for Ricardo Cooper and Sonny Burnett. She was glad that Doctor Dave Merlo was there. He was usually called in to take care of any undercover police detective, knowing who they really were.

Her worrying turned to thoughts of her two co-workers and friends. Sonny, who had stood by her many times, telling her not to second guess herself, especially the first time she had shot and killed and been pulled into IAD. He’d always been there for her whenever she needed a shoulder or a push in the right direction. Rico was also there for her, not in the same way, but his positive words had kept her going at times. Even though they had been gone from Vice for four years, she had seen and at times still been encouraged by Sonny. She talked on the phone to Rico at least once a month, although the pass year they hadn’t talked much at all. But now they were both back in the fold. Rico in Sonny’s old position and Sonny would train for Castillo’s spot, she couldn’t think of anyone better. She hoped to God he’d be fine and thanked God that Rico was.

Trudy stood watching the clock, it had been two hours and two hours of not only waiting with her own thoughts but also watching the other detectives pace, sit and stare off into space.

Castillo had stopped down town before quickly coming to the hospital. He sat in a chair, his stoic face showing nothing. She’d also observed their different co-workers slowly file in, Augustine, Dimmel, Hardin, Diaz and tagging along with them was Duddy. She cringed, but knew how much the sweeper had helped their case. Each team asked of news before getting coffee and finding a seat for their vigil.

Switek and Worth, between the two of them had tried to interrogate Fuente, Lee and Gordon. Lawyers came and when finished, the two detectives left to be last to join the long wait.

She sighed, and again repeated to Stan and Sammy what she had explained to the other detectives. Doctor Dave, as they called him, had only seen them in passing to say they were taking Sonny for tests and he was still unconscious. Rico on the other hand was conscious but being treated for slight shock and mild hyperthermia. He had been given a sedative to allow for sleep, when Rico had become agitated about how his partner was. After learning how Tubbs and Crockett were, the husky detective and his partner poured coffee and followed suit with the rest of the team.

Trudy spoke to the last of her co-workers. Finally done with all the inquiries, she had a second thought, and, poured another cup of coffee. She then sat down next to her partner. Gina nodded a thank you as she took the dark liquid.

“I keep drinking this and it’s going to eat a hole in my stomach.” Trudy stated to break the silence.

“Yeah, I know, but we’re used to that caffeine jolt.” Gina answered before she looked at the big clock on the wall.


Gina hated waiting for a medical update more than she hated the waiting during surveillance. Both were so different. She remembered six years ago, waiting for news when Sonny had been shot. How once they thought he was stable, he had to be rushed back into surgery. That night had gone on forever it seemed. She knew everyone including her had been remembering different parts of their lives that Sonny had touched. She stole a look at the Lieutenant deep in his thoughts. She remembered how he had consoled her after she had explained the petty argument that she and Sonny had had, afraid that would be the last thing he’d remember about her. She brushed back her hair, stood up and walked around the room for something different and to get the stiffness out of her body.

Gina glanced at Julie and Tanya. The young blonde it seemed was pretty shaken up. Tanya was consoling her. Had Sonny and Julie started a romance, she wondered? Or was it just the reality of being a police officer that was hitting the detective. She didn’t know. Gina found herself staring out the large window, into rain that was reminiscent of the time Crockett had been shot. Her mind drifted, joined with the cascade of water that poured like a waterfall from the gutters.

Castillo had been waiting patiently. He knew things like this took time and better the time be taken than something over looked. Being a police Lieutenant he knew this. His mind had gone over different memories of Crockett. He now stopped and thanked the heavens that Tubbs would be fine and hoped the same for his other friend. He needed a break and went over to Stanley Switek to find out more details on the three criminals that were in lock up. Switek had told him of the lawyers and that the three would not answer anything until they had time to confer with these lawyers. Hands tied by the legal system he and his partner had left for the hospital. Castillo nodded and walked away.

Hardin cracked his neck. He saw that Diaz was trying to read a magazine to pass the time. The chairs were very uncomfortable. He turned away from his partner and laid his legs on the adjoining chairs. He leaned his neck so the top of his head rested against the wall. He remembered the first time he met Sonny Crockett. And the talks they had on the St. Vitus Dance while he was undercover as Keith, a witness that needed to be protected.

His first assignment with the DEA, he had been nervous, but played his cover well. He fooled the experienced Vice team. He smiled at that and at the few things he found out about the senior detective of that Vice team. He closed his eyes and saw the blue sky, the water and could almost feel the gentle rocking of the sail boat. He heard parts of different conversations they had. One talk stood out in his mind. “Rico’s never let me down.” He had always remembered that, what Sonny said about trust and your partner. This had saved both him and Diaz many a time. He also remembered seeing Crockett socially, becoming friends after he was shot at the end of that first case. They had gotten to know one another pretty well and Hardin had learned a lot from his mentor. After Sonny left the force they still kept in touch, socially and to advise his young protégé on cases. Joey felt like Sonny was an older brother and not having a younger brother, Sonny had let it slip that he felt the same. Joey lay there lost in his thoughts.

Finally the doors opened and a man in his early fifties stepped out. The doctor stood there: medium height, hair more gray than black, his brown eyes swept the room filled with the Vice squad he had gotten to know since 1987 when he had transfer to the rotation of this hospital and Biscayne General. He was used to either being at the hospital or being called in to take care of one of his patients from the police force. He saw all the eyes that held his and Martin Castillo walking towards him. He met Martin halfway and the rest of the team huddled close enough to hear what would be said.

“Martin.” The doctor shook Castillo’s hand.

“Dave. How’s Crockett?” Castillo came right to the point.

“Tests came back fine, no internal injuries. I’d say Sonny’s very lucky with the beating he took. The swelling to his left eye has gone down and there are abrasions and contusions all over his face and body. By the coloring, they’re healing nicely already. The blow to the head caused a minor cut, but you know how the head bleeds. He needed three stitches. I’m giving IV’s to hydrate him. He showed a slight concussion from days or at least a week ago, and the second blow has given him another. We’ll keep him here for observation. Plus, he’s awake and feeling nauseous and a little dizzy, very normal. But he did know me and other information I asked, so I don’t think there’s brain damage. Still, with two hits to the head in one week, you never know. ” He had been talking to Martin. He then looked around for a reaction from the rest of the squad. The attention still on him, he started to finish his assessment.

“The wrists were nasty from the rope digging into them, so we’ve put anti-biotic ointment on the skin and wrapped them up. Nothing serious with his shoulders, although the hanging did pull some muscles, I put him on muscle relaxants for seven to ten days. There will be soreness in moving and will take a few weeks to heal. His one rib is fractured and will heal in four to six weeks.”

The doctor let out a long sigh, “what will take time is that damn knee of Crockett’s. The knee was hit on the inside and not the front, which helped him out. There are two ligaments on either side of the knee that hold it in place. The inner ligament is tight and holding, the outer one, from the hard kicks, was loosened more than it originally had been. Plus, with all the years of stress the knee’s never been right from the original accident. The knee was pushed out of place slightly but enough to cause a tremendous amount of pain and problems. Honestly, I don’t know how he even put pressure on it except for his stubbornness.” Dave chuckled at the thought. Martin and the squad all nodded with a smile, knowing he was right. Sonny was just too stubborn to give into the pain in a life and death situation.

Shaking his head, with a slight smile, he again continued, “I gave him a local to numb the area and adjusted the knee where it should be. He’s in an immobilizer; he’ll wear that for a few weeks and go to physical therapy. After the two weeks we’ll put him in a walking brace, a boot. He’ll be able to walk around and the knee will be held in place. He’ll still have to take it easy and continue the therapy. We also have him on an anti-inflammatory which will bring the swelling down and help the pain. I’m going to talk to him about later on, having Arthroscopic Surgery, to fix up that knee.” Doctor Merlo looked around again and then gave a stern look at the lieutenant.

“Marty, we both know Crockett -- he can’t-- be on the streets. Two weeks and once he’s in the boot brace he can come back to work, but desk work only,” Dave cautioned, “he can’t drive either, so someone’s going to have to take him back and forth to work and therapy.”

Merlo thought for a moment and asked. “He still on the Vitus? That ladder will not be allowed.”

“No, he has a different boat, one with stairs, not a ladder.” Martin answered the doctor.

“Good, as little as possible for him going up and down them and jumping on and off that boat of his.”

“Rico is staying with him.” Trudy offered.

“Good, Rico will be out of here tomorrow morning. He needs a day or two and then he can go back to work. He’s resting and when he wakes the shock and the Hyperthermia will be gone. Though I know the first thing Rico will want is to see Sonny for himself. Whoever picks him up can take him to see Sonny. Any questions?” Dave smiled at the little family that he knew the Vice squad was.

“When will he be moved?” Gina asked, quietly, laced with concern.

“Tomorrow, if he’s feeling better. It’s late now and I want to watch his symptoms, the dizziness and Nausea I told you about. So whoever picks up Rico tomorrow can just check at the nurse’s desk to see if Sonny’s been moved and where. I’ll let the desk know since I’m his doctor here, and, up on the floor. And as always, visiting hours will be loose for all of you.”

“How long will Crockett be in here?” Martin asked in thought.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you that one.” The doctor had known Sonny to long and his voice became somewhat firm as he conveyed his thoughts. “I know that Sonny hates hospitals but he’ll be our guest for five days, maybe six. He’ll continue on the medications and do everything I said. I’ll tell him everything I’ve just explained. And, I’m putting my foot down with Crockett. If he doesn’t listen, he’ll be back here as our guest for the remainder of the six weeks. Any questions about what I’ve explained?”

“There’ll be no problem with desk work for Sonny. He will be taking my place as Lieutenant of Vice. He’ll be learning all the paper, office, and other parts of the job.”

“Well, where will that leave you, Martin?”

“I’ll be Captain.”

“Congratulations, it’s about time. Crockett will do a great job in your place. I think that’s a great way to keep him behind a desk for several weeks.” Dave laughed.

Martin gave an unusual slight smile before getting serious once again, “I need to be cautious; there may be some danger to Sonny. I know you’re used to police protection and giving us a list of staff that will be going in and out of Crockett’s room. I’ll have a list for you as well, shift chances and the officers I’ll be putting on.”

“It’s always funny when one of your people comes in here, Martin. Of course I’ll give you a list. I’ll do that as soon as I can and if you aren’t around I’ll fax a copy to you. I’ll need the number.”

Martin took out a pen and small noted book, as he wrote he spoke again, “I’ll let you know within the hour what officers will be on guard tonight. I’ll have a list for you tomorrow morning, on the schedule for the week.” The paper with the number was handed to the doctor.

Dave nodded, shoving the paper into his pocket, “Well I have other patients to check up on. Two at a time to see Sonny, only a few minutes, he isn’t feeling well. And that, kids, is an order!” He said sternly with a slight smile. He knew they just wanted to make sure that Sonny was fine and then would go, “and Rico is, asleep, so you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see him. Good-night.” Dave waved as he walked back into the ER.

After the doctor left a few at a time went in for a second to say hello and then back out. They all could see Sonny wasn’t well. As usual he tried not to show it, even though he was pale and couldn’t hold his head up. The team all satisfied, went home for some much needed rest.

A nurse pushed the wheel chair into the cubicle that Ricardo Tubbs was in. She was followed by a detective in a loud Hawaiian shirt who carried an overnight bag.

“I have to wheel you out detective, hospital rules. I’ll leave it here and when you’re dressed let me know. I’ll be at the desk.” She smiled and left the area.

“Hey, glad to see you in one piece.” Stan told him while he placed the bag on the gurney, “Thought you’d like a change of clothes since hospital gowns would fall under indecent exposure.” he laughed.

“Yeah? And what do they call wearing that thing?” Rico pointed at the offensive shirt.

“Aren’t we the cranky one this morning. You’re sounding like Sonny.” Stan shook his head.

Rico smiled, stood up with the bag in his hand, “You, my man, have to leave so I can dress. And as for my partner, he’s right about the shirt. I want to see him before we leave this place and then you can hear it from him about your shirt.” He continued to smile at Stan.

“No problem Rico, knew that anyway, so found out what room he’s in. Yeah, I thought the shirt would keep his mind off the aches and pains” Stan smiled and gave a quick wink.

“Is he being guarded? You never know if Fuente’s men might try to kill him.” Rico stated protectively.

“Yeah, the Lieutenant made a whole schedule for two officers to guard the room. He also has a list from Doctor Dave on the staff that will be on and when, so everything is taken care of. The only thing we have to worry about is Sonny’s mouth. You know how he loves hospitals.”

“Yeah.” Rico agreed as the man passed through the curtain to give him his privacy.

When Rico was done dressing he looked around the curtain to see Stan with the wheel chair. Stan caught the look and wheeled it over.

“Nurse said I can take you up to Sonny’s room, just had to flirt a little.”

“Thanks Stan, that means I don’t have to sit in it once we’re out of sight.”

“No Rico, you have to sit in it. That was the only way I got her to let me bring you up.” Stan unwaveringly told his friend.

“I knew flirting didn’t work for you.” Rico recoiled and then disgustedly sat in the chair, “Now no fancy drivin’” he warned.

“Now that hurts, Rico. I did my best and you should be used fancy driving with Sonny.” Switek teased.

“You ain’t Sonny and it took me awhile to get used to that Southerner’s drivin’. I held on to the panic bar more times then I can remember. All he did was laugh or give me a smart ass look.” Rico smiled at the memory as he was wheeled into the elevator and Stan hit the button to Sonny’s floor.

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