Nov 30, 2011 01:49
You know you work for a corporation when...
1. Your boss sends a message at 11:47pm to tell you that he needs help polishing part of a speech
2. Are waiting for the video editor to tell you that job is done and can go tomorrow morning to pick it up
3. Have an hour conversation with video editor about why certain video is not uploading... and mutually agree to meet tomorrow at 6:00am to check on final details so it can be delivered at 8:30am
4. Still have four thousand things to do and are thinking about how much coffee you'll need to drink tomorrow
5. Stay as long as you can in FB to procrastinate in spite of tight deadlines
6. Tight deadlines
7. Decide to go to bed at 2:30am so you can wake up at 5:30am (hey, at least it's three hours of sleep) and get stuff ready for the day...
8. Realize you have a meeting at 3:00pm hence won't be able to escape and take a nap after lunch. Darn it.