Jan 03, 2011 18:07
Chelsea: The thirty five dollar a year internet is twelve gig. Do u think it is even worth getting?
Me: twelve gig is not a speed measurement. Thirty five dollars a year doesn't make sense for even less than dial-up speeds. And cox doesn't even do that. cox only does high speed internet and they only charge by month. I believe you're confused about the offer.
Chelsea: Ur rite. Its twelve gigs a second for thirty five dollars a month. Do u think it would handle ebay seller site or take forever?
Me: twelve gigabytes per second would be about 30 times faster than the fastest cable modem internet connection
Chelsea: So she is bs ing me!
Me: misspeaking is more likely. 12 megabytes per second is pretty standard
Chelsea: Ok so i should get that?
Me: dude, you were considering not getting it when it was one twelfth the cost for a thousand times the speed.