annual evaluation

Feb 17, 2010 17:22

Today I submitted to my boss my annual self-evaluation, this, because I am a salaried employee, consists of an essay that I write describing my contribution over the past year, highlighting my accomplishments and my difficulties. With all the humility this sentence can allow: I am a skilled writer. Despite the taupe-colored boring-dust coating every aspect of my work, my particular self-evaluation, I am sure, is a far more flowery and elaborate affair than what my higher-ups are used to getting. This one in particular, I believe, made reference to my "tumultuous endeavor to implement a universal user credentials validation system" and other such overwrought presentations of essentially boring ass white-collar garbage. I was proud of it. I sent it to my boss and in far less time that would take to even skim the document, she sends back this:

You need to bullet where possible in this.
I’d bullet a list of your accomplishments for this past year and what you feel was your most important accomplishments.
Bullet what your goals are for the coming year. Be sure to include our intention to work more closely with the focus teams to help them develop some online evaluation tools. I’m holding one of these off right now and will send you a copy of our conversation so you can maybe use it as an example..C

Later, she tells me that she needs my updated evaluation before the end of the day and I respond "Gotcha, I’m adding bullets. Cause bullets are awesome."

Eventually I send her the revised evaluation along with this comment:
I didn’t do a very good job foisting this document with bullets. I must say it was nauseating to attempt to devolve my contribution to this organization into a robotic set of past and future tasks.

And it's true. I'm disgusted. If my superiors can't take the time and concentration to read my earnest (if positively inflated) thoughts about how I feel about working here and my past year, then why the fuck bother to have an evaluation at all? Just get together without me and ask one fucking question "should we fire this guy?" And be done with it. Fuck. It's not like if I do well I'll get a raise. Yeah fucking right. That never ever happens. What is the goddamn point here? It's all just stupid bureaucratic bullshit that makes me want to fuck off and start my own business.

But y'know, other that this kinda stuff, I love my job and I don't want to leave at all, heh.
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