Dec 01, 2016 06:21
I was watching that new to me but old fashion freak / naked ape video with the zombie stripper carwash...and thinking about objectification. Wendy dayglo hates the video as the music is base while the band are static boring men. Taking the music out of it, we inexplicably have a bunch of nondescript plain men being pursued and provoked by stunningly attractive (albeit dead) females. Men wear suits and sit in safety, while the borderline naked women spray themselves with water and soap, writhe, and otherwise make themselves terribly available, though these are unsafe women in an unsafe world.
I'm considered more progressive because while I was all about female objectification, I didn't just pursue attractive naked females - I sort of became one too.
I liked the image, the sexy person. I wanted to be the image, the sexy person. Perhaps that the easiest solution - just swap person for female, and heck for stripper while we're at it. It's just creepy that this diad is always sexygirl on display and the shopping for sexygirl. I mean we're supposed to recognize the power of the attractive female, but then the fact it's always one baiting and the other catching...that makes it creepy.
Objectification could work, be more consensual - or even fun - if it wasn't dictated by gender.