Sep 20, 2016 21:01
Tag gym, house, repeat.
I was in classroom training for a week, and just don't feel like eljay on the phone. I'm getting frazzled with my life split between my place and Veronica's, while my house...
I realized this week my idiot contractor thought all this time I would pay him the original contract amount, and he' seriously...
from the money I had paid him.
He seems to be needing money to complete the job. I've paid him another $15,000, but he has done maybe $5,000 of work if that. Mostly he does the work himself.
We'll be meeting soon, and Marie asked to be part of the meeting AND to hold it in their house. I've agreed, and that's exactly what I wanted.
Not impressive is their recent emails which try to shift the fact I haven't moved into the house onto me or a misunderstanding. That could be plausible...if there was, say, hot water?
This might be where I fire and sue him. Or it's where we get a plan to finish, or fire and sue him soon.
I can't keep living spread out like this. Veronica has some serious shit she's dealing with, and I'm exhausted.
It doesn't seem too much to ask to just get up, go to work, maybe hit the gym, and go home...without every day being a challenge of where is my / do I get my: work/social/gym clothes, food logistics, kitty juggling, work location and mats...
I did go to my block party and it was a hoot. We flipped a mammoth tire, and I was dwarfed, literally, by a tall white guy who literally only stopped flipping it because he ran out of street. My skinny neighbor was 8x tougher than I expected, also flipping it most of the block. I had fun on it and made a good showing, but mostly was entertained by how much it really was a whole body workout. I would not mind having that to play with some more.
Sorry - too tired to write much as today was work, luncheon with Mr. Dissent FLRA, work, gym, her house, my house. That's 14 hours in my world.