Aug 29, 2009 10:29
Sometimes in Magic everything goes wrong.
I opened a really bad pool. After talking to several extremely good players, I'm pretty sure I registered my deck within 1-2 cards of the best deck available to me. I did not play any close or interesting games. My draws were generally terrible and often involved mulligans, when I won I curved out and my opponent wasn't really in it, but it never felt like that should consistently happen, I just got lucky at the same time they got unlucky a few times, but basically, I just opened one of those pools that can't realistically expect to make day 2, and didn't. Then I did a money draft with 5 Japanese players and drafted one of the worst decks I've drafted (I only really had 19 playables) and somehow managed to 2-1 and out team won the draft, so that was fun.
I guess the bright side of today is that it's the first time I've spent with Olivier Ruel (3rd, soon to be 2nd in lifetime pro points in Magic), and getting to know more pros is always nice.