The Soldier's Lament (aka: Hammerhead of The Gods)

Mar 22, 2011 03:58

I look all around me
and there is blood and
smoke and fire and pain and flame
and death and mud and
the cries
of the wounded

Yea though I
walk through a valley
of death and bullets
I cannot rally for
there is no ammo and
the enemy is endless yet

blood and the sounds
pound in my head like
gods beating my spirit
with a terrible hammer
of purpose and the
breeze blows cold

through the pits of hell
and the face of death
approaches me with
my last breath and it
smiles and
time stands still

a thousand times and
a thousand lives
over and over and over
my body will not survive
the soldier's dance and
I know that now but

when the last charge comes
I am resolute
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