Long Time No Posting

Sep 18, 2013 00:35

I realized it'd been a while since I posted anything here so I wrote some stuff and then here ya go:


I got in a fight with an emu
once upon a time
it wasn’t intentional but
such things never are

the fucking emu was talking
shit about humanity saying
we were just a bunch of
apes barely evolved still

scratching our asses and throwing
poop at each other only
barely out of the trees
in which we had spawned

while he was descended from
mighty dinosaurs like
the tyrannosaur and the triceratops
and that emperor of the air

the majestic pterodactyl
which might or might not have existed
but it didn’t matter because the emu
came from royalty, terrible lizards

that ruled the earth for millennia
and we were just a bunch
of pathetic hairless
monkey fucker apes

so I punched it in the goddamned
face because I for one
won’t stand idly by while
some giant chicken

talks shit about
my species
I won’t say I won the fight
but by god, I gave it my due

it was called a draw in the end
by the cops and the animal control
officers that had to break it up
I had KFC to celebrate

so take that
fucking emus
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