Got a call from Oliver Queen.
Green Arrow. Seems his new protege, Speedy (Roy must be laughing his ass off. He never liked that codename) is doing really good, and he "thinks it'd be good for her to get out and meet some other young heroes."
I'm all for it. That's what the Titans are for. Plus I'm sure she could use a broader training base. I know both Arrows and Black Canary have been training her, but still... And it'll be nice for Cassie to have a girl closer to her own age on the team. I remember Donna was always complaining about how the early Titans could be such a boy's club.
Still...I remember the first few hours after Superboy, Robin, Wonder Girl and Kid Flash got here. All of them kind of got railroaded into it by their mentors, and they didn't like it much. If Mia's got that kind of attitude on her, this could end up being a royal pain in the ass.
Plus he was talking about bringing her down this weekend. Which is when the kids are shipping off to Bristol House. Not exactly the easiest time to add a new girl to the mix.
Actually, now that I think about it, it might be the perfect time. This way, she gets to bond with the other kids, without me and Kory hovering around like chaperones, standing in for Ollie and expecting her to kick Robin's butt (I don't even expect her to try, mind you, but Arrow's thinking it or I'm a toaster oven). I'll have to talk to the team about it.