Title: Family Arc II - 9A
Author: vic_sim
Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot. I apologise for any incorrect portrayal of people or any inaccurate details mentioned in my story.
Pairing: None at the moment.
Category: Angst
Rating: NC-16 (just to be safe)
Summary: Kyuhyun reveals a little about himself.
Arc I Arc II Donghae walked quickly into the house, mindful not to jostle Kyuhyun. Sungmin had picked up Donghae’s bag which fell to the floor when Donghae rushed to Kyuhyun. It was obvious to both of them that Kyuhyun was in pain, despite his attempts to show a poker face. It didn’t help that the tear tracks were distinctly visible on Kyuhyun’s face, or that tears still escaped from his eyes. Sungmin ran into the house first, opening the door for Donghae to walk through with no obstruction. Sungmin knew it was rude to enter someone’s house without permission, but right now, Sungmin could not be bothered with etiquette. Mdm Kim came out of the kitchen, shock to see her young master being carried in by his friends.
“Young Master! What happened?”
“Should we carry him to the bed or sofa?” Sungmin asked Donghae, not answering Mdm Kim’s question.
Donghae looked at Kyuhyun, then at the stairs, and back to Kyuhyun. He was considering whether it would hurt more to carry Kyuhyun up the stairs. Mdm Kim took the decision out of their hands.
“Follow me. Bring him to the spare bedroom downstairs. It’ll be more comfortable than the sofa.”
Mdm Kim led them to the spare bedroom, opening the door for Donghae. The room was sparsely decorated, with a queen sized bed placed in the centre of the room. It was obvious that it was a guest room that was not often in use. However, it didn’t matter to them at the moment. Even if the room was decorated elaborately, none of them would have noticed anything. Donghae walked to the bed, gently placing Kyuhyun in the centre of the bed. Kyuhyun’s eyes were shut tight as he was transferred from Donghae to the bed.
“Mdm Kim, do you know where his medicine is?” Donghae turned towards Mdm Kim.
She nodded and immediately left the room. Donghae then turned to Sungmin who was hovering behind him.
“Hyung, should we call a doctor?”
Sungmin looked with worried eyes at Donghae. “I don’t know. Maybe we should. I’ll go call now.”
Sungmin began digging through his bag, looking for his phone.
A weak voice laced with pain came from the bed. Kyuhyun had opened his eyes halfway and was looking at Sungmin.
“Hyung. It’s okay. I don’t need a doctor. The pain just caught me unsuspectingly.” Kyuhyun tried to reassure his hyungs with a smile. But it was apparent that the smile was forced.
“Kyuhyun…” Donghae started, but was interrupted by Mdm Kim’s entrance.
“Here. The medicine. And water.”
Sungmin thanked her as he took the medicine from her. He looked through it, knowing that there should be pain killers somewhere.
“Kyuhyun, you should see a doctor. You’re still recovering.” Donghae continued his unfinished sentence. He reached out to hold Kyuhyun’s hand, only to grab air as Kyuhyun snatched his hand back.
“Kyu?” Donghae was shaken.
Kyuhyun shook his head slightly, refusing to see a doctor. Sungmin sighed at his stubbornness.
“Can you sit up a little to eat the pain killers?”
Kyuhyun nodded glad that he didn’t need to see a doctor. Donghae and Sungmin moved to help him sit, pausing when Kyuhyun flinched as they touched him. Slowly, their hands touched Kyuhyun. They could feel him trembling as they helped him up. Donghae shot a worried look at Sungmin over Kyuhyun’s head. He didn’t know whether Kyuhyun was trembling due to the pain - which was bad - or he was trembling with fear - of what? Donghae was not sure and was equally terrible. They let Kyuhyun lean against the head rest with a pillow placed behind his back. Donghae would have preferred that he be the head rest, but upon seeing how Kyuhyun had reacted to his touch outside, Donghae decided against it. Sungmin silently handed Kyuhyun two pills and the glass of water.
The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence as Donghae and Sungmin didn’t know how to approach the topic and Kyuhyun refusing to say anything. Kyuhyun began to relax against the pillow as the pain killers took effect, but he was still tense. He was afraid what his hyungs would say. He wanted to forget that the incident occurred. He wanted to dig a hole and throw everything in. That was the way Kyuhyun dealt with his problems - by ignoring them. He knew in his mind that it was not the way to do it. He knew that one day the memories would hit him all at the same time. But it was the only way Kyuhyun knew how to deal with all the problems. There was no one for him when he was a child, no one for him to lean on, to count upon. In order to survive, Kyuhyun began to hide his problems. Because he had no one to lean on, Kyuhyun depended on himself from a young age. All these led to who he was today. However, no matter how he pretended that everything was perfectly fine in his life, Kyuhyun never once forgot the events that occurred.
Finally Donghae could not stand the silence and spoke up.
“Who was that guy?”
Donghae got a surprise when it was Sungmin who answered.
“It’s Jong Ki’s brother.”
Kyuhyun looked up sharply at Sungmin. How did he know?
“Who’s Jong Ki?” Donghae was totally confused.
“He was my best friend.” Kyuhyun spoke up.
Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun. He did not expect Kyuhyun to speak up, considering how he refused to tell them about his nightmares.
“Was?” Donghae asked, wondering what happened. I seem to be the only one confused around here.
“He died four years ago.”
Donghae didn’t know how to react to that. He thought that they had lost touch or something, but never that.
Kyuhyun felt the memories of that fateful day wash over him. He could still distinctly remember falling to the pavement and watching Jong Ki’s body hitting the pavement. He could remember the sound of the hit, the gasping, and his own crying.
“Hyung, don’t leave me.”
“Kyu, what did he want with you?” Sungmin’s voice interrupted his trip down the memory lane. Kyuhyun’s mind was blurry. The pain medicine made him drowsy.
“He just wanted to tell me that it was my fault that Jong Ki died.” Kyuhyun said, emotionlessly as if he was talking about someone else.
“What?” Donghae and Sungmin exclaimed unbelievably.
“He told me that I stole Jong Ki’s future from him, that I deserved nothing I’ve gotten. That I should have been the one who died. Not Jong Ki who had a caring family and a bright future. That it should have been me instead, me who have no one.” Kyuhyun continued tonelessly. Kyuhyun was shocked by what he revealed. He had not intended to say all that. He wanted to just say that nothing happened. But the pain medicine made him lose the tight control he had over his words.
Donghae and Sungmin could not believe what they heard. What? How could that guy say that? Donghae thought.
I should have done more than just punched him. I should have tied him and brought him back to Jungsu-hyung, Heechul-hyung, Youngwoon-hyung and Hankyung-hyung. Sungmin silently fumed.
Both did not know that only the first sentence was what Jong Ki’s brother had said. The rest was what Kyuhyun believed in. Kyuhyun still carried the blame on him and the guilt.
Kyuhyun was slowly losing his battle to consciousness.
“Hyung, can I go to my bed? I don’t like this bed.” Kyuhyun asked, pouting like a little kid deprived of his toy.
The medicine was really making Kyuhyun lose the tight lease on his emotions.
Kyuhyun yawned, waiting for an answer. Donghae wanted to question him more but Sungmin shook his head. Now was not the time to do it.
“Sure Kyuhyunnie. Hae will carry you to your room. You don’t hurt anymore, do you?”
Kyuhyun smiled a little and shook his head. He raised his arms, like a baby asking to be carried. Donghae chuckled, indulging him. Kyuhyun snuggled into Donghae, seeking the warmth.