Some of you might remember that I mentioned taking a break. I was hoping it won't happen but real life caught up to me. I need to focus on finishing one last thing that's stopping me from getting my second degree and I have time until June for that. After that is off my list I'll be able to post without worrying about many things.
There is also another reason. I'm tired. Some of you might remember that I'm posting regularly for almost 2 years now (one time I had a 3 months break wasn't really a break because I was very busy). So I want to have those few weeks when I don't have to worry about posting the next chapter, not having inspiration to write some scenes or not having time to do it. I just want to rest mentally a little. I will be still writing, maybe if I get enough inspiration I'll manage to finish Call Center.
I'm going to post Chapter 18 of Call Center on last Wednesday of February and then I'll also tell you if I need to take another month off. I might have to.
So, I hope you all understand and won't ask me to 'post sooner' because I won't. And I might get cranky if someone tries to pester me about it. I've been a pretty nice and reliable author last few months, now you all try to be understanding readers, especially because I promised that my fics will surely get finished, no matter what.
You can still follow me on tumblr:
twitter: @vic_aino
I'll be active on those two for sure. Sometimes I even talk about CC plot there, so you might learn sth that is going to happen ;)
Okay, so see you in a month!