Jun 29, 2006 13:02
went to the bank earlier with ma dukes. we had to close out an account i haven't used in many years. it turned out to have twice as much money as we had thought was in there. i think i have like $300 worth of savings bonds somewhere in my house too, which means even more cash. I don't know what to do with this huge in flow i've had lately. probably get a new 6 string, maybe a hollow body electric (ibanez artcore?).
I got an e-mail back from Gary Wittner, a jazz guitar professor at USM. I told I wanted to take some lessons, and the circumstances. It sounds like he wants to teach me, which is awesome, but he's on tour right now in South America and he wants me to call him when he gets back which is after the first week of July. I'm pretty pumped if he ends up teaching me. I might not have to go through the school either, which will save me money and likely make him some extra cash.
I have work in a little while. Hopefully I'll get some annoying customers that I can toy with. I have such a good time frustrating the assholes.