Ha ha ha! Yeah, that second one is a lot better. I had no idea that's what centipedes looked like. No wonder. I always think that they're the same thing as millipedes.
Centipedes were ALL OVER my Oshkosh apartment, and they creep the living fuck out of me. Amanda, this probably means you have a lot more. Get those anti-bug things that send out sonics that pets can't hear but drive bugs away. They work.
they don't work so good on mice, though. our mice used to prop up little beach chairs and volley ball nets on our cutting board right in front of the sonic thing, and just laugh at us. "stupid animal rights fuckers," they'd snicker.
Take comfort in this, though--they're little scaredy-cats. Usually when you see them scurrying it's to get away from the huge, scary human. It's highly unlikely one will come near you in your sleep because they're fearful little fuckers.
At least, that's what i used to tell myself in order to sleep at night.
This is somewhat comforting. Another comforting thing is that if any of the gross disgusting many legged centipedes that I now can't stop thinking about in the apartment come down to cat level, Donut's totally got it covered. She loves the killing and the eating of the bugs.
oh lord. that's way too much information on the creepy crawlies for me to handle! i think the older i get, the girlier i get about bugs. i used to think they're fascinating. good thing i didn't go into entomology, which i'd pondered for a brief moment in college. :(
Too bad he didn't look more like this:
Yeah, that second one is a lot better.
I had no idea that's what centipedes looked like. No wonder. I always think that they're the same thing as millipedes.
our mice used to prop up little beach chairs and volley ball nets on our cutting board right in front of the sonic thing, and just laugh at us. "stupid animal rights fuckers," they'd snicker.
i'm surprised the kitty didn't do that.
At least, that's what i used to tell myself in order to sleep at night.
Yo, check this out:
"Centipede body-segment possess one pair of legs (2 legs), while millipede body-segments are equipped with two pairs (4 legs). "
creepier by far.
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