Jan 02, 2010 23:59



I mean, I didn't pay too much attention to the plot, because the entire time I kept thinking, "OH MY GOD, TEN IS GOING TO DIE," over and over and over again. But now that I think about it, I didn't mind the plot. I know some of you didn't like it, but I did. Could it have been more epic? Maybe. But do you guys think we're all disappointed because we built it up to much in our heads?

I think knowing this was the end of David Tennant, knowing this was the last time we were going to see Ten, I think we all expected too much. We've had a year to build this up in our heads and I think we all expected it to be something it could never have been. It's not a secret that the world loves David as the Doctor, and I think having so long to sit and wait for this finale, just made it, not quite a let down, but not what we thought it'd be. I still think it was a great episode. I liked that they brought back the Timelords, but I wish they had brought them back to use them for more than just this one episode, and I even liked the Master, but I think that has something to do with the fact I think John Simm is sexy (read: super mega foxy awesome hot).

I guess, what I really need to write about is the sentimental stuff. I was so excited to see Donna throughout the entire two parts. I love Donna so much, but I don't think I ever realized how much I loved her because I was blinded by my Ten/Rose obsession. But once I realized the Doctor had to take her memories and that she'd never be a large part of the show again, I went into full on sadness mode. So seeing her in these specials made me so happy. I was unhappy however that she didn't get to keep her memories and that she just passed out in the street, but oh well, Donna got the happy ending, so that's what matters. And she's going to win the lottery, so THANK YOU DOCTOR.

OK, moving on to Martha and Mickey. I knew they were married, so I'm a little surprised that most people didn't, but then I realized I knew this because of Torchwood and I'm not sure how many of you watch Torchwood, too. In Children of Earth Gwen made a comment about not calling Martha because she was on her honeymoon and when you place this information with the way the two characters ended season four, I thought it was obvious she was married to him. Anyway, I liked the way he saved them at the end.

I loved the entire scene with Jack. So much. SO MUCH. It was fun seeing the Doctor as Jack's wingman. I just kept thinking, OMG THE DOCTOR AS BARNEY STINSON'S WINGMAN WOULD BE THE GREATEST STORY EVER. Someone write some fic right now, please.

And him saving Sarah Jane's son? Seriously the Doctor > Superman. There, I said it.

Now, Rose. Rose. Rose. The entire time I was waiting for it to happen and it made sense she was the last person he visited. He was, after all, in love with her. And I kept wondering how they were going to do it. He couldn't see her in the present time the way he did the others because A) parallel universe and B) she has her very own Doctor now. So him popping in to be like, "Heyo, the real Doctor, the non-human one you are not currently sleeping with, yes me, I'm dying. I just wanted to say bye and that if we ever run into each other again, I will look like a 15 year old. Don't be afraid, I'm still me, and I'm awesome, but I will be different."

I mean, he couldn't do that, so it made sense to see her prior to their time together. And the line about her having a great year, just made me so giggly. I want to watch season one right now in honor of that line. And Billie's long hair (which totally was a wig, you and I both know it), made me laugh. But seeing Rose and Jackie made me happy and sad at the same time.

I, I, shit, I don't know. I just liked that he didn't have to say anything to any of those people and they knew why he was there. They knew this was the last time they would see him in that body. They knew it was the end for Ten, and it broke my heart.

And speaking of breaking my heart, when Ten stepped in that box for Wilf, OMG. THE KNOCKING. I DIED INSIDE. I was like, OMG THAT'S WHY HE IS THERE. He brings the end of Ten, so sad. SO SAD. But I think the worst thing was hearing his last words, saying he didn't want to go. I think that's my favorite moment of Ten's life. The first being when he said, "If it's my last chance to say it ... Rose Tyler..." The emotion David shows in that scene is what makes him so awesome as Ten.

I think the main thing about Ten that I loved though, was his love for life. He didn't seem to take any moment for granted even though he's been alive for 906 years. He loved everything about life, he loved it and every person in it. He was thrilled by life and I'm going to miss that.

NOW. MOVING ON TO ELEVEN. GUYS. I have tried and tried to get ready for him. I've tried to tell myself I'm going to love him just as much as Ten. But, I don't know if it's just my hate for the word GERONIMO, but I don't know if I can do it. I liked all of Ten's catchphrases. But GERONIMO? It's definitely not allons-y. Not even close. It just makes me think he's young. And I mean, he IS young. I've said it before that Matt Smith looks like a teenager, but... I don't know. I'm sure once I see his episodes, once I'm a few weeks in it won't be as big of a deal and I'll get used to his version of the Doctor and I'll love his little quirks - and seeing him for that 30 seconds at the end made me think he won't be totally lame, I like his "still not ginger" comment and the joke about him being girl because of his long hair, and he does seem to be quirky but not too eccentric because they'd just be writing the same Doctor over for a new guy, and that clearly won't work -, but I know after seeing a few episodes I won't be as annoyed, but I can't do it right now. I'm excited for him but I'm going to be mourning Ten for awhile. But seriously, geronimo?

But for those who haven't seen it, here's Eleven's promo.

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WHY ARE THEY BRINGING BACK THE WEEPING ANGELS? I AM SO AFRAID OF THOSE THINGS. Seriously, they are terrifying. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY? Also, did anyone notice he doesn't seem to hate guns as much as Ten? Oh, and the kissing the companion thing? I don't like it. I have had enough romantic Doctor for right now. I want more of a Donna situation where you didn't have to wonder if they were going to take them there. Can't they just be BFF the way Ten and Donna were? (OMG BTW, DID YOU GUYS CATCH WHEN HE CALLED HER HIS BEST FRIEND TO THE MASTER? I LOVED IT.)


ships: ten/rose, actor: david tennant, tv: doctor who

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