Neil rules the world

Jun 04, 2009 11:40

From: torigates

Comment to this entry and I'll pick three of your fandoms.
You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?
02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

My TV shows as chosen by torigates: HIMYM, Buffy, Gilmore Girls

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?

I started watching How I Met Your Mother because of the lovely and talented Alyson Hannigan. As many of you know she played Willow on Buffy, the first television show I ever fell in love with. (See next fandom for more on that)

02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

Oh, I'm staying until the end my friend. I've fallen so in love with this show. I want Jason Segel and Neil Patrick Harris to be my best friends. This show was the reason I became obsessed with NPH.

03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?

Swarley, The Pineapple Incident, Slap Bet, Arrivederci, Fiero, Slapsgiving, Sandcastles in the Sand, The Naked Man.

04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

I don't write fanfiction. And I've never read any fanfiction for HIMYM. I don't really do much else other than obsesses over the show and the awesomeness that is Barney. And of course Barney/Robin.

05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

Yes, I do. It's finally being recognized and more people are watching but the show could always use more viewers. It's so good and so many people missed out on it for so long.

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?

The 1992 movie version by Joss got me into the entire Buffyverse. Even though I was four when the movie came out, but the time it was 1994 and I was six years old I loved the movie. Kind of creepy, no? I guess vampires have always intrigued me. But anyway, after renting the movie 1,000 times I was so excited when it was announced the movie would be a TV show. I was skeptical at first, because I loved the movie (despite the fact the movie sucked). But I watched it and it turns out the TV show was frakking amazing.

02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

I will always be a part of the Buffyverse. This was the first show I ever loved on TV. The first show I freaked out about if I missed an episode. The first show that I threatened to hurt someone during if they uttered a word. The first show to make me cry (Angel leaving, Joyce dying, Buffy dying, Xander's crayon speech to Willow, Xander losing an eye, Anya dying, Spike dying, etc.) I was one of the first people to own the DVDs because I bought them (read my dad bought them for me) as soon as they came out. I used to read all of the books that came out tying in with the franchise. I've got an Angel doll (or two) and sadly I've owned more Buffy calendars than I should have. I've also collected the comics and obsessively read the Season Eight comics. I've got a Sunnydale High Yearbook for crying out loud. And if you judge me... ah well, who cares?

03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?

I'll try to keep this short: Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, The Prom, Tabula Rasa, Once More With Feeling, Fear, Itself, Restless, Smashed, Touched, End of Days, Chosen.

04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

I haven't really ever read fanfiction for Buffy. I haven't felt the need to. But I used to do graphics.

05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

More people should get into it. Despite the fact the show has been off the air for *gasp* SIX FUCKING YEARS (WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?), the show is still as cultural phenomenon. It's one of the best shows ever (and has been recognized as such though the show never won an Emmy (insert angry rant here) and I know many people on my f-list who recently discovered its magic and they love it. The show will always be remembered. The Buffy fanbase is so large and so loyal it's crazy. I love hearing when new people fall in love with it.

01: What got you into this fandom in the first place?

Jess Mariano. I mean, come on guys. Like that wasn't obvious? I mean the pop culture, the fast-talking and wittiness of the show did too. But um, it's Jess, guys. JESSSSSSSSS.

02: Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?

I don't think you can really leave a fandom since the show has ended. Not really. But I'll always be a fan of the show. I love rewatching the seasons (though not the later ones as much). But when I do see them I remember why I loved the show and bought all seven seasons as they were released. It was such an amazing show. And I know I'll always watch the second and third seasons. And the random episodes in season four and season six where my beloved Jess appears.

03: Favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?

Pretty much all Jess-related. Sorry, lol.

Nick and Nora/Sid and Nancy, A-Tisket, A-Tasket, Lost and Found, There's the Rub, Teach Me Tonight, I Can't Get Started, They Shoot Gilmores Don't They?, Eight O'Clock at the Oasis (Wet!Jess), A Deep-Fried Korean Thanksgiving, Keg! Max!, Nag Hammadi is Where They Found the Gnostic Gospels, We Got Us a Pippi Virgin, Let Me Hear Your Balalaikas Ringing Out.

04: Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?

This used to be the only fanfiction I could stand to read. Until I discovered BSG fanfiction. Haha. But yeah, I really participate in this fandom.

05: Do you think that more people should get into this fandom?

The Jess Years? Yes. I mean the whole show was great (minus season 7), but its all worth a look. So yes. And especially watch the Jess Years (seasons 2 and 3 mostly).

Oh! And watch this interview with Neil Patrick Harris. Ahhhhhh, man. I love him. Unfortunately he had to drop out of the play I was supposed to see him in because of his gig hosting the Tony Awards on Sunday. I'm excited to watch that, but man, I'm really sad about not seeing him in the play. Damn you NPH. You're like Superman. Just do both!

tv: gilmore girls, actor: neil patrick harris, meme, actress: alyson hannigan, tv: how i met your mother, tv: buffy

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