Your heart is an empty room

Oct 09, 2008 22:13

First off, I had the world's greatest time at the Death Cab concert. I took 400 pictures. WHY? I have no clue. This right here is why I shouldn't be allowed to own a digital camera. Because I do shit like that. Tegan & Sara was awesome too. But you know me, I'm all about the Death Cab. I got a shirt, it's purple. Oh, and they played "The New Year!" Haha, I was so excited. I just wish I could see them again ... like right now. You know how you always love a band and then you just don't listen to them all the time and then all of a sudden you're obsessed again? That's how I am right now. I'll upload pictures later.

Also, I watched the episode of Friday Night Lights that I missed. I still have to watch Chuck, Pushing Daisies, 90210, Privileged, Bones and Dirty Sexy Money. I'm probably forgetting something right now, but oh well. On to my FNL thoughts.

01. First off, Buddy (I totally just wrote Buffy) needs to A) lay up on my Riggins and B) lay off Tami and the jumbotron. SERIOUSLY. He's being such a tool. He made Tim all nervous. Tim could have owned that. He's so awesome. Buddy likes Tim as long as he isn't dating Lyla, but you know what, I'm of the persuasion that he just needs someone to believe in him. So yay Lyla and boo Buddy. BUDDY, YOU SUCK!

02. I loved Tim in the opening scene with Lyla. Haha. And I love even more that he's getting letters from colleges! WOOT. GO TIMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Also,

Lyla: "How did you know that?"
Tim: "Google. Why?"
Lyla: *laughs* "I didn't know you Googled."
Tim: "Well I'm not retarded. I can Google."

I laughed so hard at that and re-watched it like four times. I love the way he just delivered that line. (Why is it that I just love references to researching things on the Internet? I mean the "22.8 miles" scene in Gilmore Girls? I love it.)

But the above scene was my favorite scene ever. Okay, it was up there with the scene at the end where Tim just dropped his pants and left them in the kitchen while hanging with Tyra. And Tyra didn't even act like he wasn't wearing pants. And Lyla walks in and is like "Where are your pants?" And he's like "My pants are over there. It was hot." It was just too funny. I laughed so hard. Though I'm pretty sure nothing compares to the faces Tim and Lyla make when Mindy was like "I love you Billy!" Those faces were PRICELESS.

03. MATT/JULIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG. So awesome. I love their pairing. It's hard for me to figure out if I love Tim/Lyla more or Matt/Julie more. Their scenes were so adorable. I just knew Julie would walk out when he was kicking the boxes. Man, hurry up and get back together. I love that he told her he went to see his mom. I mean he wouldn't even tell Landry. COME ON WRITERS! GIVE US MATT/JULIE. And I loved him making fun of the Celica. Haha.

04. SMASH HAS A WALK ON AT TEXAS A&M! YAY! Go Smash. I'm so excited. Even though I don't want to see Gaius Charles go. I'm going to cry. I know it. But again with the no Jason Street. Perhaps they are saving his storyline so we only have to say goodbye to one at a time.

05. I was surprised to see Matt's mom already. I thought that was going to be a couple episodes from now. But then again, they only got a 13 episode order. So yeah, not a full season's length. But I love the way Matt takes care of his grandma. So freaking adorable. Matt > everyone (And I know right now you're all going, "Wait? Even better than Riggins?" And I'm saying that while I love/obsess over Riggins, Matt is the greatest guy in the world.)

Also, just a point, I wish I could pull off that dress and cowboy boots that Lyla does. Damn it.

I downloaded a new animated Riggins moodtheme, so I better go install that. I can't wait til next week.

ships: matt/julie, tv: friday night lights, ships: tim/lyla, music: death cab for cutie

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