Dazed and Confused

Nov 06, 2005 11:21

I finally saw WAITING last night. And well, it made me love Dane Cook and Ryan Reynolds so much more than I already do. Like WHOA. We had to go to Lennox cause for some reason it wasn't playing at Easton anymore, and since we were right there we went to OSU for a little bit after the movie got out around 1:30. Needless to say we got back to OWU at 3.

I haven't really got much to update. I've gotta head to the libary (for the first time since classes started). I've got a history exam to study for that is on Tuesday. I've got an astronomy quiz tomorrow, and a french test Monday/Tuesday.

I talked to my brother for about 5 minutes on Friday. He went to Italy yesterday and won't be back to Wales until Thursday or Friday of this week. I miss him a lot. It felt good to talk to him. Of course he is the only person I know who can get kicked out of the same restaurant twice in one day without actually doing ANYTHING. *sigh* Whatever. But I told him to get me something from Italy and he told me good luck on me history exam. I miss him. He comes home December 20th.

Jess on TUESDAY.

Gotta run! LIBRARY FUN! Woo Hoo.
I hope everyone has a good day!

waiting, danecook, osu, exams, school, morgan

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