Nov 12, 2011 16:40
I am having a really bad week this week. I can't remember the last time I had a week this bad. I am just stressed and overwhelmed beyond any comprehension and I'm getting no sleep. Working 7 days a week without having any break is also wearing down on me.
I've been holding a lot of emotion in and just working really hard but today I just feel like I'm about to break.
I keep wanting to just break down and cry. My heart is so heavy today and in pain.
I know that sometimes in life this will happen and we just have to fight through it. I'm not going to give up and walk away from my problems but I'm still human and everyone has a point where they just break.
It doesn't help that when I came to work, I immediately was yelled at by someone and was continued to be yelled at for the entire time I had work. That, did not help me being overwhelmed and stressed. I don't mind having disagreements with people, people not liking me, or whatever the issue may be. The one thing I cannot handle is people yelling at me. I get so upset when someone is directly yelling at me and I literally just close myself up and don't say anything and it takes me a while to get myself out of that frame of mind..
I just want this whole thing to be over with. I know I'm going to be okay, I'm going to do fine in school and tomorrow will be a better day. Just today, I want to cry, I'm hurting, depressed and just want to get away for little bit and collect myself.
The one thing I am focusing on, is something my friend Meci told me this past week. When, I started getting really frustrated with some work I had and I started to cry a little bit, My friend Meci told me
"You can do this. This is going to be a story that you can look back on and tell your children about."
When, she told me that encouraged me a lot. Anyone, who knows me knows that having a family is very important to me. I want to be an amazing wife and Mother that is always loving and encouraging towards them. So, when I realized that what I'm going through, as hellish as it may be, is something I can tell my children when they're going through something and they are depressed, upset and just want to quit. I can tell them that I know exactly how they feel and that I got through it and so will they. And even more, I can help other people who may go through similar things and just are ready to break. I know that I'll get through this, and the knowledge that when I do that I can help people that i love, gives me even more determination to get everything done and finished. I'm hurting a lot right now, that's true. But, the love i have for my children, husband, and friends gives me the strength to continue on.