Oh, this was fun.

Apr 18, 2008 00:13

So, tonight I have some breathing space to sleep, relax, and recover from my Ancient Egypt project and final today. Nothing with pressure tomarrow, just meeting my Hindi partner to write our dialogue. (Incidentally, that word contains every regular vowel in the English language. How cool is that? Heterosexuality has all vowels including Y, though. /linguistic geekfail.) I'm going to try and get a lot of rest and studying done this weekend, because starting Tuesday, it's a final a day, and none of them are gimmes. Anyway, here's the goofing off I got up to tonight:

Meme taken from capn_mactastic.

1. Dexter Morgan (TV Dex, as I haven't gotten around to reading the books yet.) For a sociopath, he is such a WOOBIE. Also, knifekink FTW.
2. Adam Monroe (Heroes) Classically beautiful, darkly philosophical, brilliant, remorseless, and badass. I'm so gone.
3. Simon Tam (Firefly) Beautiful, family-oriented, AND a geek. I love this man.
4. Zoe Washburn (Firefly again) Such an amazing, beautiful woman. I am in awe.
5. Sher Khan (Disney's the Jungle Book) If I were an animated animal? Hells yes. That growl? *shivers*
6. Marissa Coulter (His Dark Materials, books and movie) See entry on Adam Monroe. Also, Nicole Kidman was my first female celebrity crush, and the awesomeness of Mrs.Coulter only exacerbates it.
7. James Bond (Casino royale, Daniel Craig version) Breaking my own Bond-hating for this. But...God he's so awesome. Also, I was totally an amateur film Bond Girl. I'm entitled. Or something.
8. Victor Lazlo (Casablanca) Yes, I realize I am the only fan in the history of this movie who prefers him to Rick. But. Marseilleuse! Song-dueling with Nazis! WWII hero! Did I mention song-dueling with Nazis?
9. Elim Garak. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) Scales are sexy. Also, the whole cool-as-a-cucumber ex-spy thing. mmm.
10. Data (Star Trek: Next Generation) Robots also sexy. And Data is so heartbreakingly adorable.

1. Inara Serra - Hot damn she's lovely. But - prostitute. I don't disapprove in terms of her character, but. Well. I'd be uncomfortable.
2. character!Stephen Colbert - Very pretty, but too damn self-centered, closeminded, and outright annoying.
3. Nathan Petrelli - So gorgeous. But womanizers squick me.
4. Wyatt Cain - Yum, but no. It would be like sleeping with my father. Actually, he's so paternal and emotionally closed off that it would probably be worse. At least my Dad can talk about sex/feelings without getting an aneurysm.
5. Mohinder Suresh - So beautiful. But sooo stupid. I couldn't stand it.
6. Spock cha Sarek. I'm sorry. Emotions are important to me.
7. Sirius Black - reckless badboys just get on my nerves
8. Azkadelia (Tin Man) Sexy as hell, but also about as screwed up.
9. Will Turner - useless, cardboard, senseless boy. I much prefer the commodore.
10. Caprica Six (Battlestar Galatica, new verion) OK, yes, her actress beats out even Nicole Kidman for drop-dead gorgeous, but her character just pisses me off. It's the righteous, religious tones, I think.

meme, random

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