Jul 11, 2021 12:00
- Sat, 13:41: RT @ ensemble_stars: 【お知らせ】 15時より『フィーチャースカウト 宙編』を開始しました! ▽新登場カードはこちら✨ ⭐5 春川 宙 ⭐4 風早 巽 ⭐3 羽風 薫 ⭐3 南雲 鉄虎 スカウト期間中、新規カードのアイドルストーリーが無料公開💫 #あ…
- Sat, 13:42: RT @ gradualcolors: The CGs, cards, and renders for Sora, Tatsumi, Kaoru and Tetora in the Sora Feature Scout are in the drive folder now! h…
- Sat, 16:41: RT @ 6sachicong: https://t.co/SwxwELOFHC
- Sat, 16:42: RT @ 88Masaya: お兄ちゃんになってもやっぱりママの抱っこは嬉しいよね。 #LUMIXS5 https://t.co/0FJdPs836d
- Sat, 16:43: RT @ reikao_11021103: 한입 먹을때마다 소중한 팬케키가 사라져서 슬픈 아기여우 https://t.co/Nbi6CKXutH
- Sat, 16:43: RT @ benina1225: 亜沙さんがうちに来てくれたよー! 今回も暴露トークしてます( ᵒ̴̶̷᷄꒳ᵒ̴̶̷᷅ ) https://t.co/v8OfusQ1QE https://t.co/u7nwF8egDT
- Sat, 16:51: RT @ undeadmom_: 레이카오🤡♥️ https://t.co/WeLUblT052
- Sat, 18:39: Aku: baca habis 3 komik moriarty yg baru nyampe tadi siang Emak: udah habis semua? Aku: udahh Emak: kok tumben bacanya tenang. Biasanya mengeluarkan suara2 aneh Aku: ?????????????????
- Sat, 19:29: Btw quick news. Kaoru doesn't want to come home. End news.
- Sat, 20:04: Kitamu so prettyyyyy
- Sat, 21:11: RT @ ensemble_stars: (7/9)【お知らせ】 Knightsが歌うイベント楽曲『Mystic Fragrance』のMVを先行公開❗ イベント予告は7月12日にTwitterとアプリ内に掲載予定ですのでお楽しみに♪ #あんスタ https://t.co/…
- Sat, 21:19: The mv concept has turned from live stage to.... MV.
- Sat, 21:25: https://t.co/HNO838kLVE apa lagi ini apaa mou kore gachi sugite naichaun dakedo
- Sat, 21:25: ohh kire ni naranderu jan https://t.co/K6p63n4YVA
- Sat, 21:26: i need to stop writing japanese in romaji..... i really need to......
- Sat, 21:27: RT @ 10zS2q3: LINEスタンプ!! #月スタ https://t.co/sR8DSmYbtd
- Sat, 21:29: is sensei still live? is he playing dbd???
- Sat, 21:37: Always amazed at sensei's control over Huntress.... How could you throw the axe from such distance and still got them??? I can't even see the target half of the time
- Sat, 21:37: Anyway what rank is sensei now....? The survivors seem a bit novice...... Or i'm just too used to sensei's high level killer lol
- Sat, 21:39: RT @ 11kona1: Mystic Fragrance https://t.co/rXxepgySGC
- Sat, 21:40: RT @ oosuka_jun: 誰がヴァルカロイドやねん。 #月スタ
- Sat, 21:41: RT @ reiou0106: かっこいいねKnightsは MVがオシャレすぎる #月スタ #IZUMI製の圧力マベ
- Sat, 21:44: Valkoloid or Alkarie Why are japanese so good at making abbreviations 😂
- Sat, 21:45: RT @ vvomtg999: 鈍器で御前試合の資料見てて、羽織の中身かっこいいなと思って描いてた https://t.co/CZdap8DqJA
- Sat, 21:59: RT @ tiziri_art: omggg that's how it should be haha https://t.co/NVB9FWMzwQ
- Sat, 22:00: RT @ tohcca: 御前試合衣装早くほしいなって描いてたけどあきちゃったやつ https://t.co/jPQ85mZE4q
- Sat, 22:01: RT @ Yukimaru_ICY: ついにスタライ公式ツイッターの位置情報が夢ノ咲学院じゃなくなってしまって寂しくて泣いてる https://t.co/SbfHpY7DIO
- Sun, 04:37: RT @ w_fruitmix: 오기인 막둥이 https://t.co/G6wOqSC0zJ
- Sun, 04:38: RT @ yaneyane32: 鶴丸国永 その瞳に何を映すのか https://t.co/9TGn6RMeGs
- Sun, 04:42: RT @ saiki5505: 猫ポーズのリクエストに応えてくれる薫くん https://t.co/Ix7tVcPwrZ