One of last week's themes at
comment_fic was 'Love=42,' meaning the resulting fics should either be 42 words long or contain exactly 42 words of dialogue within a larger story. It was loads of fun and caused me to write some very unusual (for me, at least) pairings.
Firefly, Kaylee/Mal, PG, prompt - 'Starts with a kiss' )
Comments 2
I think all the first three worked very well. Short as they were you still managed to put a lot into the words. But ouch, onesided M/R! I know who the characters are in NCIS, though I haven't watched the show regularly, and it seems to me that you have them right, sad as the scene was :-)
I write a lot for comment_fic, the people who leave Firefly prompts there are probably getting tired of me.
Onesided Mal/River is so painful, I know. I wrote a longer piece that's all unrequited and painful like that between them...someday it'll get posted.
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