ABLAZE (fair day 1)

Nov 29, 2005 21:23

What a weekend! Where do I even begin? Maybe chronologically. Anyway here's a breakdown of my schedule.

Thursday: Fair preparations
Friday: Fair and Battle of The Bands
Saturday: Fair and Variety Show
Sunday: UST Entrance Test (morning), Eastwood and Emmanette's Debut

Thursday, was spent fixing the backstage passes, painting, running errands and rearranging the whole friggin' multi-purpose building. Imagine pushing dividers six times my size across the whole width of a building, even diagonally. Then we put them back because we were just practicing the layout for the variety show. It was fun though. We watched the Seniors2006 and Natarani practice. Bianca is my girlcrush when she danced Don't Cha! Bea and I played with Katan's phone. We almost created a picture folder for ourselves. Haha.

The band, Uneven, canceled out on the Battle of The Bands. So we made fun of them. Kiz, Tin, Gelli, Bea, Carissa and I wore their name tags. We were calling each other by our pseudonyms. Bea was Mon so we called him Mon Ilagan. Tin was Mike so we called him Mike Velarde. Gelli was Neil so we called him Neil Gaiman. I was JR so I was Jay-R (as in the R&B singer). Kiz was Chuck so we called him Chuck Norris. Carissa was Tim so we called him Tim Yap. Si Tim yung pinaka-bakla kaya siya yung dancer. So there you go folks... Mon Ilagan, Mike Velarde, Chuck Norris, Jay-R, Neil Gaiman and Tim Yap all in one band... Uneven. (NO OFFENSE TO THE REAL UNEVEN! We don't even know you. Haha.)

Friday was the first fair day. It was drizzling a bit. We kept our hopes up for a clearer afternoon. We convinced ourselves, it was just God blessing the fair grounds. (: True enough, the sky cleared up until it was scorching hot... perfect fair weather. (: We didn't really do much. We just ran around, rode rides and ate a lot. Call time for Events.Com members was 2pm. We set up the registration for the bands. What we just needed to do was make the all comfy. Bea and I ran back to the booth for our shift. I escorted two hot boys. The guy I like was younger! Is it just me or is the third year batch of Ateneo filled with hot boys? *cough*SOIREE*cough* Martin, Glenn, Jeff, Stu and the others came! I missed Martin the most!

The Battle of The Bands started. Stand-outs were Ligid, Letter Day Story, Twitch and of course, PHI! We were timers so we get to go nearer. Plus there was a surprise band... Six Cycle Mind! Haha. I literally laughed out loud at this one. But hey, it attracted a much bigger crowd. (: So I'll be nice. Anyway, I'll just post pictures. I'm pretty sure you didn't read the text part of this entry. I'll save the second fair day and Emanette's debut for the next entry. (:

Blowing bubbles on the fair ground.

Reflection on Dom's sunglasses. (:

JUMP! But we already landed in the picture.

Sexy legs, sexy shoes. Love ya, Ambet!

Ambet (Kat Katindig) and I

Andy, Nique, Eizel, 3/4 Pam and I.

Wissa, Ainee, Neekol and Kat.

CARIA! The Sponsorship Committee Head. (:

Eizel, Camille and Iya.

Gaddi, Trizza and Eizel along the hallways.

Pat, Andy and Chelly in the booth.

Jackie and someone's hand in the booth.

Opha and Michie! I like your ass!

Agot, Pat and Jappy.

Neekol, Ainee and Kat on the fair grounds.

Gads, Eizel and Trizza while waiting in line to ride the chubibo.

My ex, Aleli and I. Hahahaha! That was so grade 7!

Pam, Dom, Den and Iya. Naiinitan yata.

Gamby (a freshman) and I! I love this kid.

Martin and I!!! PDA but what the heck.

Aika, Martin, Sabine and Den.

More bubbles! It was already my shift. Haha.

Anne and I! I miss her already. ):

Mocca, Anne, Bianca (tiara and all), Kriska and Blu!

Jump Part Une

Jump Part Deux

Jump Part Trois

Jump Part Quatre

Madame Student Council President Inna and I. Haha.

Binx and I! I miss her also!

Making the signs for the ticket booth.

Lorra using my iPod to play HOPE by TWISTA on the mobile.

Events.Com Shirts! Personalized even. Should have been better though...

Andy, Maika and Inna!


Bianca, Kiz, Mafe Jessa and Ruth
Arev, Den, Cai and Kate
Several boxes of cake was at the bottom.

Gads, Trizza and Eizel

HANGING OUT kuno. May pera pa kami niyan.

Several kids who came to pick up their bags in the LRC. (: They like getting their pictures taken.

TSUBIBO with Eizey!

Gads and Trizza behind us. (:

View from the top of the ferris wheel.

Halatang fake!

I think the ride was already over.

Octopus with Dommy!

FAAAT picture!

Nina and Pam next to us.

Den and Lels!

Backstage during the Battle of the Bands. Actually, it hasn't started yet.

Abby, Belle, Gelli and Laya! Lower batch friends from Events.Com

Angel, Camille and Bea, the latecomer.

LIGID! They were so good!

Hot daw kasi. Yus!

PHI! Cristhel, Maya and Izza!

NEEKOL: seatmate, fellow rhymer, always asleep during Physics (pero di na daw) and rockstar in the making!

IZZA: section head, philosopher extraordinaire, top student, excellent guitarist and almost a fucking rock star.
She dreams to have her own sex video scandal. Haha! Gagu!

At night in the booth.
Camille, Eizel, Pam, Bea and Kat.

Tin Velez and I. Seatmate for two quarters already. d:

Til next time, bitches.

Two more sets of pictures. Haha.

school, ipod, bands, music, event, photographs, gig, bestdays

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