Part One: Alabama Hills at Lone Pine, CA

Mar 18, 2011 10:01

This was started as a travel journal and I have actually been traveling, so this is actually a real entry!

On the road at Fringe Festivals, I don't feel much of an urge to post, I've discovered -- probably because that is work and kind of a different thing: less about on-the-road adventures and more about ticket sales and audience response (or lack thereof) and self-loathing (or love) and other angsty artist things.

BUT, after this last Fringe festival (the Fresno Rogue, where I debuted my new show) my mom flew out and now we are driving back together via all sorts of awesome places.

PART ONE: Lone Pine and Alabama Hills

Our first stop was Lone Pine, the site of about a million old Western films, including silent Westerns (I didn't even know they made silent Westerns) and singing cowboy films and films starring really really famous actors I've never heard of.

The film industry completely transformed Lone Pine's economy back in the day -- locals worked as extras or stuntmen, and they raised horses and other animals or built old-fashioned stage coaches, all for use in the movies.

I went to the Lone Pines Museum and saw all of this memorabilia from all of these Westerns I'd never heard of, much less seen, so it was kind of hard to really get excited about any of it. But then...


Tremors was also filmed at Lone Pine, though in a slightly different location. We drove the road where it was filmed, in fact, but sadly, I don't have any good pictures. By which I mean, it's a lovely road, but there was nothing about it that screamed "Tremors!" I would never have recognized it if it hadn't been labeled in the map.

Still, it was fun.

road trip, mom trip

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