Cynic at the Fresno Rogue: Performergasm

Mar 13, 2010 13:41

Wow. Rogue turn-out has been incredible this year. My opening night was nearly full, as was my next evening performance (the Sunday matinee didn't do quite so well, but that's to be expected).

Nevertheless, I am inconsistently satisfied. Humans can be silly that way. In Indy, I had moments of thinking, "Yeah, everybody loves my show, but the shows before and after me sold out, and I didn't! Boo-hoo, woe is me." In Fresno, at my third performance, I had a moment of, "Yeah, my show was packed, but the show before me got a standing ovation, and I didn't! Boo-hoo, woe is me!"

Sigh. Artists, I tell you. It's always something with us.

Last night though, I experienced a sort of performer-gasm. It was raining and I think that hurt audiences across the board, so it was a small-ish crowd (though still good compared to my houses for No Stranger Than Home) but they were really into it.

And I've had crowds that ate up my every line before, but this went beyond that. I felt tuned in to the audience in a way I didn't even know was possible. I tweaked my delivery based on them; I added in an old previously ineffective line because I knew this crowd would love it -- and they did.

I don't know how I got this connection, or whether I'll ever be able to do it again, but it was pretty fucking incredible.

fringe, fresno

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