
Nov 01, 2008 14:42

I have been tagged by half-double. I will rise to the challenge...

I will also post a real update one of these days. I have been waiting for a few things to fall into place more officially...

Anyway, the meme is:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.

My random things are...

1) I had my first real hangover at the age of 29, after drinking at an unlimited mimosa buffet with thebrownhornet in San Francisco this September. Wow, real hangovers really suck.

2) When I was very young, I knew the Earth was round but somehow I thought we lived on the inside. Maybe because pictures of Earth never showed any people or buildings or anything? Anyway, I couldn't figure out why there was a horizon, since it seemed like you should be able to see forever if the ground sloped upwards. I also couldn't figure out how the spaceships got out to go to the moon or to other planets.

3) As a little kid, I had a phase when I refused to wear pants, followed by an much longer phase when I refused to wear dresses. When I did finally wear a jumper to school (I went to an elementary school with uniforms) the teacher made me stand up in front of the class to show everyone. That really sucked.

4) In eighth grade I decided to stop shaving my legs, but a bunch of my other female friends decided the same thing at the same time, and I didn't want to seem like a conformist, so for years I just shaved one leg. It really confused people.

5) I wrote a novel in sixth grade. It was called "Mystery at the Mall." There are no surviving copies. That is possibly a good thing. I have not successfully finished a novel since.

6) In high school and college, I never procrastinated. I always had everything done days early - mostly because with my uncontrolled depression, I could never count on being in a state to get anything done if I waited until the last minute. Now I seem next to incapable of motivating myself without a deadline in the immediate future. I'm not quite sure how that happened.

The end!

And because I'm obligated to tag six people, I will, but that does not mean they are actually obligated to take me up on it. wamblin-man; aino; radklif-kh; thebrownhornet; pekabess_; ellipsoid


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